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Project 47 (Science Fiction)

The year is 2047. Everything they had warned us about climate change was wrong: the reality was much worse. The once lovable lands are fast becoming unlivable. Nearly 180 Crore Indians struggle to live in times of great adversity. The once hospitable people of these lands of this nation are quickly turning hostile.The hot places have become hotter. Swathes of land are now submerged.

A few weeks before India celebrates the 100 years of its independence, six strangers across different parts of the country each receive a note. The message this note carries will bring them together for a path to uncertain times. Meanwhile in the Nation’s Capital, one man has to make a decision. A decision that will decide the fate of India’s Shatabdi- The Next Hundred Years.

Apocalyptic scene of nighttime in a City in India sometime in the future.