Useful Alternatives to Online Office Suites for Productivity

This blog post discusses some popular online office suites for productivity. It covers their features, evaluation criteria, and looks into future trends. This is a one-stop resource for anyone looking to understand the landscape of web-based office tools.

यह व्यापक मार्गदर्शिका 2023 में उपलब्ध वेब-आधारित ऑफिस सुइट्स की चर्चा करता है। इसमें उनकी सुविधाएं, मूल्यांकन मापदंड और भविष्य की दिशाओं की जाँच की गई है। यह किसी भी व्यक्ति के लिए वेब-आधारित ऑफिस उपकरणों  को समझने के लिए एक संसाधन है।


Open Source Office Software : A continuous evolution since 1990s

In this post, we will explore the world of open source office software from 1990s to 2020s.  The open-source office software landscape underwent remarkable development and growth during this era. This post provides an overview of major software tools and their key features during this period. Specifically, we explore the evolution of open-source office suites from 2000 to 2021, highlighting major players, web-based solutions, lesser-known tools, and mobile apps. This post was updated in March 2024.


A 20 year Eventful Office Suite Journey: from Staroffice to Libreoffice

This morning I read a news article about LIbreoffice, which made me reflect of my office suite journey. Reading the article from Makeuseof, and looking at the web based interface brought back a flood of memories. I have tinkered around with open source and propereiraty  office suites since 2000. The 2024 update about LibreOffice, the free and open source office suite, is the latest in this journey. (more…)

Farewell, Abiword: A Tribute to Open Source Word Processor

As I recently reinstalled Debian 12 on my laptop, I stumbled upon an old script that brought back memories of Abiword, a once-popular open-source word processing app. The project’s current state, however, fills me with mixed emotions. It’s as if Abiword has run its course, leaving me to ponder its significance and legacy.

अबिवर्ड एक मात्र वर्ड प्रोसेसर नहीं था, बल्कि ओपन-सोर्स सॉफ्टवेयर की दुनिया में स्वतंत्रता और विकल्प का प्रतीक था। इसकी सादगी और उपयोग में आसानी ने लिनक्स उपयोगकर्ताओं के दिल में एक विशेष स्थान पाया।इससे काम करने में आनंद देता था।


Open Source Software tools for podcasting – Useful Resources for podcasters

In this post, let us explore the world of open source software tools for podcasting. We will explore the programs or applications that have been instrumental in my journey since gaathastory’s inception.  इस ब्लॉग पोस्ट में हम पॉडकास्टिंग के लिए ओपन सोर्स टूल्स के बारे में बात करेंगे | ब्लॉग पोस्ट गाथा स्टोरी पॉडकास्ट के अनुभव से प्रेरित है। हम इसमें प्रयुक्त टूल्स की चर्चा करेंगे। हमारा उद्देश्य पॉडकास्टर्स को सही टूल्स का चयन करने में मदद करना है।

Banner Image for Linux on Macbook Pro. Blog of Amar Vyas

How Linux Revived 2012 Macbook Pro Retina

In this blog post, I discuss how Linux revived 2012 Macbook Pro Retina. This was a laptop that served as my workhorse for some years. My computer was the Late 2012, 13.3 inch model with 8 GB RAM. MacOs had stopped supporting this computer in terms of OS upgrades, and it was time to look for an alternative operating system. I consider Linux as a a viable alternative, alongwith the advantages of using Linux to extend the lifespan of aging computers. The post explores recommended Linux distributions for the late MacBook Pro 2012 Retina, along with their pros and cons.

Using Zoho Workplace at gaathastory-Six Month Review

For today’s post, read my brief review of Zoho Workplace at gaathastory. It has been six months over two years since we took the subscription: We have used Zoho Mail for over 6 years for our business. Around July last year, we took the subscription for Zoho Workplace, a suite of SaaS (Software as a Service) tools for office communication, document management and customer connect. I was thinking of posting my impressions on using Zoho Workplace sometime next month. Last Sunday, I had written about Zoho Writer, therefore publishing the below review at a later time made sense. But a conversation on an Internet Forum changed that. (more…)