I tried using Optimole Image compression CDN – wordpress plugin on a trial basis in April 2020. I learnt about Optimole when I was researching for Image compression and optimization programs.
Update: April 23, 2020: I have disabled the Optimole plugin. Not because I had any problems with it, but because I am buttoning down the CDNs and optimizers that I am using.

What is Optimole Image compressor and CDN?

Optimole is a Saas tool that provides image compression and content delivery network for images. It helps to reduce the size of images without compromising on their quality, thus improving the loading speed of websites. The WordPress app for this Saas tool provides users with an easy way to optimize their images and deliver them faster to their visitors. This plugin also offers features such as automatic image optimization, lazy loading, resizing, and more. With these features, users can ensure that their website loads faster and provides a better user experience for visitors.

हिंदी में सारांश

ऑप्टिमोल के इमेज ऑप्टिमाइज़र के साथ अपनी वेबसाइट को अधिक तेज़ी से लोड करें! हमारा सास प्लेटफॉर्म और वर्डप्रेस प्लगइन बिजली की तेजी से लोडिंग समय के लिए सीडीएन के माध्यम से छवियों को संपीड़ित करना, बदलना और वितरित करना आसान बनाता है। Screenshot from website of Optimole image compression and cdn wordpress plugin

Comparing other compression services with Optimole WordPress plugin

Read my comprehensive overview of image compression services here.

Comparing Optimole to other image optimization services like ShortPixel, TinyPNG, and EWWW Image Optimizer

    1. Image compression
All these services compress images to reduce file size without compromising quality. Optimole, ShortPixel, and EWWW Image Optimizer offer both lossy and lossless compression, while TinyPNG focuses on lossy compression only. The actual compression efficiency may vary slightly between services, but all of them provide a noticeable reduction in file size.
    1. Adaptive image resizing
Optimole and ShortPixel both resize images based on the user’s device screen size and viewport, ensuring that images are served in the most appropriate size, further reducing loading times. TinyPNG and EWWW Image Optimizer compress images but do not offer adaptive resizing.
    1. CDN or Content Delivery Network
Optimole includes a CDN as part of its service, which helps deliver images faster by serving them from servers closest to the user. ShortPixel has an optional feature called ShortPixel Adaptive Images, which combines image optimization with a CDN. TinyPNG and EWWW Image Optimizer do not include a CDN, but you can use them in combination with a separate CDN service.
    1. WebP support
Optimole, ShortPixel, TinyPNG, and EWWW Image Optimizer all support WebP, a modern image format that provides better compression than traditional formats like JPEG and PNG.
    1. WordPress integration
ShortPixel, and EWWW Image Optimizer,  are comparable to Optimole image compression and cdn services. They each offer dedicated WordPress plugins, making it easy to integrate their services into your WordPress site. TinyPNG also has a WordPress plugin called “Compress JPEG & PNG images” developed by the same team.
    1. Pricing
Optimole, ShortPixel, and TinyPNG offer a freemium pricing model, with free plans that have certain limits (e.g., the number of images optimized per month) and paid plans for more extensive usage. EWWW Image Optimizer offers a free version with limited optimization capabilities and a paid version called EWWW Image Optimizer Cloud for advanced features and better compression. Check Optimole’s pricing page for latest prices. Note: This site used the Neve theme with the pro plugin in April 2020, and Optimole is one of the recommended plugins by the developers for this theme. Optimole Image compression. Blog of Amar Vyas

Parting Thoughts on Optimole Image Compression and CDN

Optimole image compression and CDN service is designed to reduce the size of your images without compromising on quality. Their WordPress plugin makes it easy to serve optimized images to your visitors quickly and efficiently. One can expect a faster, more efficient website using this tool by improving the performance of your website. You can find more details on their documentation page. I think the biggest issue was the subdomain, followed by the fact that I ended up locking myself out and could not retrieve my account details. Which is not the provider’s fault, but it was a trigger for me to abandon ship.
This post was updated and archived on 15 June 2023. 2 March 2024