In this post, you will learn why I canceled my pCloud account, and also the steps that show how to cancel cloud storage account. Long story short, I had two accounts with this Switzerland based cloud storage provider. I wanted to close them because I was consolidating accounts. Int hispost, learn how using Rclone and Koofr, this goal was achieved. This post was substantially updated in February 2024.

In the digital age, managing multiple cloud storage accounts can become overwhelming. This post delves into my personal experience with pCloud, a Switzerland-based cloud storage provider, and outlines my reasons for cancelling my accounts with them. The decision was driven by a need to consolidate my cloud storage solutions and the steps I took to ensure a smooth transition away from pCloud.


This post explores the rationale behind my decision to cancel my pCloud accounts and the process I followed to do so. The primary reason was to consolidate my cloud storage accounts for simplicity. Despite having a paid plan for gaathastory, I chose to discontinue it. Before cancelling, I ensured all data was backed up, using methods such as downloading zip folders, connecting via Webdav, and syncing with the pCloud app. I utilized Rclone, an open-source tool, for transferring files to Virtual Private Servers. After backing up, I proceeded with the account deletion through pCloud’s user interface and confirmed via email.


इस पोस्ट में मैंने अपने pCloud खातों को रद्द करने के पीछे के कारणों और उस प्रक्रिया का वर्णन किया है जिसका मैंने अनुसरण किया। मुख्य कारण मेरे क्लाउड स्टोरेज खातों को सरल बनाने के लिए था। गाथास्टोरी के लिए एक भुगतान की गई योजना होने के बावजूद, मैंने इसे बंद करने का निर्णय लिया। रद्द करने से पहले, मैंने सभी डेटा का बैकअप लिया, जिसमें ज़िप फ़ोल्डर्स को डाउनलोड करना, Webdav के माध्यम से जुड़ना, और pCloud ऐप के साथ सिंक करना शामिल है। मैंने फाइलों को वर्चुअल प्राइवेट सर्वर्स पर स्थानांतरित करने के लिए Rclone, एक ओपन-सोर्स टूल का उपयोग किया। बैकअप करने के बाद, मैंने pCloud के यूजर इंटरफेस के माध्यम से खाता हटाने की प्रक्रिया की और ईमेल के माध्यम से पुष्टि की।

Why I canceled my pCloud Account

I had several reasons for closing my pcloud account. Main reasons for these include:
-Consolidation of accounts: there is a problem of plenty for storage accounts in general. In my case, I had over 10 different cloud storage accounts, I needed to close the lesser used ones, and the more expensive plans.
(This logic applies to almost every SaaS subscription and web hosting plan I have, about which I have written separately)
-I thought of closing the free cloud storage services. We did have a paid storage plan for gaathastory, which has also been discontinued.
pCloud, in case you are not aware, is a Switzerland based cloud storage and file transfer service. I have written about the latter in my post about alternatives to WeTransfer.

Steps I followed to close the accounts.

The #1 thing to remember : back up your data before closing the accounts!
I had two accounts with pCloud, both in the free tier. I have been thinking of upgrading to a paid plan. But my l50GB plan with Koofr, and the 2 x 2 TB plan with VPS Storage [Thunderdrive] are more than adequate for my needs for now.
I had a “free” 10 GB plan with pCloud, but due to some errors, I could only use 6.5 GB space. My actual storage was about 7.5 GB, so I kept getting “storage exceeded” error. Therefore, I decided to move my data out from pCloud and close the accounts.

How to back up your pCloud data

The first and most important step before deciding to cancel a service is to back up your data. Therefore, in this part of my post, I will talk about how to back up your pCloud data. I thought of the following options to back up my 7.5 odd GB of data.
There are multiple ways of achieving this.
  1. You can Download the files as a single, large ‘zip’ folder
  2. Use Webdav to connect the pCloud folder to my laptop, and then copy the folder onto local drive.
  3. Install the pCloud app on my Mac (or Linux) computer and “sync” the folders.
  4. Use a service like MultCloud to transfer the files.
  5. Transfer the data to another cloud service ( example: Koofr can connect to OneDrive, Dropbox, or Google Drive)
  6. Transfer the data to a VPS or a cloud drive
  7. You can send important files as a shareable link, and download the date.
Of course, you can simply delete the files in case you are absolutely certain that you don’t need these files.
I decided to go for Options 5 and 6. For cloud to cloud transfer, I connected the (now defunct) Rethink Software service. In hindsight, it was a good decision to back up the data to VPS also, because :
September 2020: I transferred data out of pCloud and closed account Late 2021: Rethink service decided to close their doors
Connecting pCloud folder to Rethink

Connecting pCloud folder to Rethink. Blog of Amar Vyas

Enter Rclone

I transferred the data to VPS using Rclone. On my blog, I have published several blog posts on this amazing utility for transferring, syncing or backing up files.
Open source tool, Rclone, is a terminal based file transfer, syncing and backing up tool. I had used it several years ago, quite unsuccessfully. This time, I decided to read the documentation in detail. In addition, I watched the How Tos on YouTube, and decided to dive into using RClone. I backed up the content from pCloud to two different Virtual Private Servers. Update: Rclone also has a graphical interface
Connecting RClone to pCloud for transferring files

Connecting RClone to pCloud

Using rclone in command line mode to transfer files

Using rclone in command line mode to transfer files

You can read the detailed steps including configuration of rClone by following this link.

Final Step: Deleting The pCloud Account

The files were backed up on the two different servers. I went to my account menu in pCloud and clicked the “delete” button. I received an email asking me to confirm the deletion. As one last step, I was asked to enter my password. Finally, the account was deleted.
Confirmation that pCloud account is canceled. Blog post on Why I Canceled my pCLoud account by Amar Vyas

Confirmation that pCloud account is canceled


In conclusion, the decision to cancel my pCloud accounts was a strategic move to simplify my cloud storage setup. The process highlighted the importance of data backup before account deletion and the effectiveness of using tools like Rclone for secure file transfer. This experience has not only streamlined my digital life but also paved the way for a new category on my blog dedicated to Cloud Storage. The journey through consolidating accounts and the meticulous steps taken to safeguard data serve as a valuable guide for anyone considering similar changes to their cloud storage arrangements.

Extra: Reasons for Canceling pCloud

The core of this post is to articulate my reasons for canceling my pCloud accounts. The decision was influenced by the desire to streamline my digital storage by consolidating various accounts into fewer, more manageable ones. Despite the availability of a paid plan for gaathastory, I opted to discontinue it in favor of other services that better fit my current needs. The process of cancellation was carefully planned, ensuring that all data was securely backed up before initiating the deletion of the accounts.
There could be several reasons why someone might choose to cancel their Cloud Storage account.
  • One of the main reasons could be that they are no longer in need of the storage space.
  • Perhaps they have already backed up all their important files and no longer require the extra storage.
  • Maybe someone found a better alternative with more features or a lower price.
  • Some users may have concerns about the security of their data
  • Worse case scenario, the cloud provider may go out of business, or they may change the terms of use or the pricing tiers are very expensive.
  • The user interface of the website of the apps might be clunky or service might be too slow.
Ultimately, the decision to cancel a cloud storage account will vary from person to person based on their individual needs and preferences. This is a rather crowded space, with plenty of providers who offer generous free tiers. This includes the “free” storage provided by google (15 GB), One Drive (5 GB), iCloud (5 GB) in the basic pricing tier. Internet providers like Jio Cloud (India, 5 GB base plan) can also be added to this list.

This post on why I canceled my pCloud account was updated and archived on 25 February 2024