Is it possible to install WordPress on Tinykvm server with 256 MB RAM? Answer is yes. Using Webinoly, I was able to install a WordPress site a TinyKVM VPS. TinyKVM is  a VPS provider from US. Webinoly is a rather nifty tool for automating the installation and management of websites. Particularly for WordPress installations or static HTML sites. But the question arises, when we have Gridpane subscription, why opt for Webinoly at all? This post was substantially updated in March 2024.

WordPress on TinyKVM Server with 256 MB RAM ?

The answer lies in the VPS I was testing out: TinyKVM. This is an offering from Ramhost, and boasts of a KVM with a 256 MB RAM. The specifications (disk size and RAM) are way below the recommended amount by Gridpane. Or probably even Runcloud or Server Avatar. Given the humble specs, I thought a command line tool such as Webinoly was a better fit. Let us learn about installing WordPress on TinyKVM VPS using Webinoly. Note: using Alpine Linux, and server like Caddy or Lighttpd, it might be possible to run WordPress on a linux server with 256 MB RAM even in 2024. Installing ClassicPress (or disabling blocks in the editor) and a CDN will make the operations smoother. You can read my blog posts on these servers by visiting this link. I had run this test in July 2019 when I had signed up for the subscription. At the time of writing this post, Linux Distributions Supported by Webinoly are Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04. Therefore, I reinstalled Ubuntu 18.04 on the server, and then installed Webinoly on it. I have created and tested multiple sites using Debian10, even though it is not officially supported by Webinoly.

Installing WordPress using Webinoly

The command for installing Webinoly is pretty straightforward: wget -qO weby && sudo bash weby 3
The above command installs the following:
-SSL Certificate (via LetsEncrypt)
-FastCGI cache and Redis cache for WordPress sites
You can find the details about the installation on their website.Once the installation is complete, I simply gave the command > sudo site -wp -cache=on -ssl=on Optional commands you can give: sudo webinoly -conf-value_max-mb-uploads=200 Configuration successfully updated! amar@box:~$ sudo webinoly -conf-value_nginx-ppa=mainline Configuration successfully updated! amar@box:~$ sudo webinoly -timezone=Asia/Kolkata Timezone: Asia/Kolkata The question is, can one install WordPress on a VPS with 256 MB RAM? Will the machine run at all? The answer is below. Look at the RAM usage after a fresh install. Memory check >free -m total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 229 69 88 20 71 16 Swap: 329 97 231 Disk space check df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev 104M 0 104M 0% /dev tmpfs 58M 584K 57M 1% /run /dev/sda1 6.9G 2.6G 4.0G 40% / tmpfs 115M 0 115M 0% /dev/shm tmpfs 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock tmpfs 115M 0 115M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup tmpfs 23M 0 23M 0% /run/user/1000 The real test of course will be when a fully loaded WordPress site will be tested. More on that later.
Note: TinyKVM has a rather dated interface, but don’t let that cloud your perception of the service- it is simply awesome.
As on March 2024, they offer VPS with following specifications for 15 US dollars a year:
  • 384 MB Dedicated RAM
  • 10 GB Dedicated Disk Space
  • 500 GB Transfer on our multihomed premium bandwidth blend
  • Gigabit (1000mbps) Network Port
  • 1 CPU Core – AMD EPYC System


Webinoly opens up the following ports: You may want to block the SMTP port if you are not planning to send emails. As I am testing the VPS out further, I installed UFW and blocked ports 25 and 487 from the below list.
Ports Configuration
22/TCP (Inbound/Outbound)
25/TCP (Outbound)
80/TCP (Inbound/Outbound)
443/TCP (Inbound/Outbound)
587/TCP (Outbound) *Optional for SMTP
11371/TCP (Outbound)
22222/TCP (Inbound)
Discussion: WordPress on a Tinykvm Server with 256 MB RAM
Let us understand what RAM is and why it is essential for running WordPress. RAM (Random Access Memory) is a type of computer memory that stores data and instructions for the operating system and applications to use. In simpler terms, it is the temporary storage space that allows your computer to run multiple programs simultaneously. When it comes to running WordPress, RAM plays a crucial role in ensuring that your website runs smoothly and efficiently. Now, to answer the question at hand – is it possible to run WordPress on a Linux server with 256 MB of RAM? The short answer is yes, it is possible. However, it is not recommended, and here’s why. WordPress is a resource-intensive platform, and with only 256 MB of RAM, your website will likely experience performance issues. These include  slow loading times, frequent crashes, and even downtime. This is because WordPress needs a certain amount of memory to function correctly, and with limited resources, it will struggle to do so. Moreover, WordPress is not the only thing running on your server. You also have to consider the operating system, web server, database, and other applications that may be running simultaneously. All of these require a certain amount of RAM to function.
Concluding Thoughts
With only 256 MB, there may not be enough to go around. This can lead to your server becoming overloaded, resulting in poor website performance.Another factor to consider is the size and complexity of your WordPress website. If you have a small, simple website with minimal plugins and traffic, then it may be possible to run it on a server with 256 MB of RAM. However, if you have a larger site with heavy themes, multiple plugins, and high traffic, then it is highly unlikely that it will be able to function properly with such limited resources. With limited resources, your website will be running on a server with limited headroom for future expansion or adding new features, or resource heavy themes or plugins. I have written a comprehensive post on Ways to Install WordPress on a Budget. Many of the sites were created using Webinoly. You can read that post here.
This post “Run WordPress on Server with 256 MB RAM” was updated and archived on 2 March 2024