Open Source Office Software : A continuous evolution since 1990s

In this post, we will explore the world of open source office software from 1990s to 2020s.  The open-source office software landscape underwent remarkable development and growth during this era. This post provides an overview of major software tools and their key features during this period. Specifically, we explore the evolution of open-source office suites from 2000 to 2021, highlighting major players, web-based solutions, lesser-known tools, and mobile apps. This post was updated in March 2024.


How Many Email Services Do You Need? A Dozen ?

This blog post explores the question ” how many email services do you really need?” as I recount my journey through the diverse world of email services.
Many of us have traversed the journey of creating, managing, and discarding a multiple email accounts. Whether it’s due to changing needs, improved services, or simply experimenting with new platforms, the journey has led many of us through a labyrinth of providers.

Open Source Software tools for podcasting – Useful Resources for podcasters

In this post, let us explore the world of open source software tools for podcasting. We will explore the programs or applications that have been instrumental in my journey since gaathastory’s inception.  इस ब्लॉग पोस्ट में हम पॉडकास्टिंग के लिए ओपन सोर्स टूल्स के बारे में बात करेंगे | ब्लॉग पोस्ट गाथा स्टोरी पॉडकास्ट के अनुभव से प्रेरित है। हम इसमें प्रयुक्त टूल्स की चर्चा करेंगे। हमारा उद्देश्य पॉडकास्टर्स को सही टूल्स का चयन करने में मदद करना है।

Will AI Trigger a New Chapter in the Browser Wars in 2023?

As we approach the mid-point of 2023, it’s worth taking a moment to ponder if AI will introduce a new chapter in the browser wars. Over the past few years, we’ve seen significant changes in the way that users interact with web content – from a shift towards mobile devices to the rise of voice assistants and the increasing importance of privacy and security. All of these factors have played a role in shaping the market for web browsers, which continues to evolve at a rapid pace.
