How to convert WebP images to jpg format?

Have you ever felt the need to convert WebP images to jpg format? read on…WebP is a image format developed and ‘encouraged’ by Google. It is designed to be more efficient than JPEG, (or .jpg format). In many cases, the WebP images can be up to 30% smaller than JPEG images. there have been many tutorials, How-Tos and videos in recent years that show how to convert an image to WebP format. But what if one wants to do the reverse? Read this post to learn how to convert WebP images to jpg format.


Integrating Web Folder to serve images with Gumlet CDN

Gumlet is a Content Delivery Network for serving images and videos. In this post, let us explore how to use a web folder to serve images with Gumlet CDN. is a powerful tool that helps you deliver high-quality images to your website visitors at lightning-fast speeds. But in order to fully unleash its potential, you need to connect your web folder to Gumlet. And in this blog post, I am going to show you exactly how to do that.