Are you looking for alternatives to CentOs8? If yes, then you have come to the right place. Sort of. Welcome to the seventh day of my blogging challenge for February 2022. For today’s post I thought of bringing some variation. I will embed the audio of a blog post written by me last week. This post was written as a guest post for an Internet community that is focused on web hosting. This post is titled “Alternatives to CentOs- After The Storm”, and the theme of this post is as follows: In December 2020, Red Hat Linux, who had been acquired by IBM, announced that they will discontinue development for CentOs operating system, which is used by a wide variety of users, system administrators and web hosts. 14 months after the announcement, how have the users and the market adopted? Which of the alternatives have found user and market acceptance?

Update Feb 2024: List of Alternatives to CentOs8

Here’s a list of alternatives to CentOS 8 for Linux servers, along with brief descriptions and links:
  1. AlmaLinux:
    • Description: AlmaLinux is a community-driven, open-source Linux distribution designed as a drop-in replacement for CentOS. It aims to provide a stable, free, and open-source alternative for users affected by the CentOS 8 end-of-life.
    • Link: AlmaLinux
  2. Rocky Linux:
    • Description: Rocky Linux is another community-driven, enterprise-grade Linux distribution forked from the CentOS project. It’s built to be a reliable and secure option for users seeking continuity after the CentOS 8 shift.
    • Link: Rocky Linux
  3. Ubuntu Server:
    • Description: Ubuntu Server is a widely used Linux distribution known for its ease of use and strong community support. It’s based on Debian and provides a robust and versatile platform suitable for various server applications.
    • Link: Ubuntu Server
  4. openSUSE Leap:
    • Description: openSUSE Leap is a stable and community-driven Linux distribution that offers a balance between cutting-edge features and system stability. It is suitable for server environments requiring a solid and well-tested platform.
    • Link: openSUSE Leap
  5. Debian:
    • Description: Debian is one of the oldest and most respected Linux distributions. Known for its stability, security, and vast package repository, Debian is an excellent choice for server deployments where reliability is a top priority.
    • Link: Debian
These alternatives provide a range of options based on user preferences, support needs, and specific requirements for Linux server deployments.

About this post:

This post was written for the Low End Spirit community, and will get published shortly on that site. This post is oriented towards those who are familiar with Linux and Open source.  The post on alternatives to Centos8 itself turned out to be a 2,000 word article, and I thought it would be a cool idea to publish it as an audio blog. Bringing variation in the posts is also recommended by Problogger. I had participated in the Blogging groove Challenge some years back. It was immensely useful.

AI Tools for podcasting: using Text to Speech

You may have noticed that I convert most of my blogs into audio, for which I use a SaaS called For this post, I have used; which uses similar technology but its quality is supposed to be better. their embed player does not work,  as I discovered after this post was published. You can read my previous post on Text to Speech, titled, Text To Speech Services- Podcaster’s Friend or Foe? (click to read)
About this post: The theme for Mondays is MyPod Mondays, where I write about topics related to podcasting. You can follow my blogging challenge by visiting this page.
Word Count: 300. Time taken for this post: 50 minutes including updates prior to publishing and changing the
audio player later.

This post on alternatives to CentOs8 was updated on 19 Feb 2024.
Categories: Notes Blog