Have you ever wondered where the term “Android” came from? The origins of this term can be traced to the 19th century, android and the Star Trek Connection stands out in my opinion. Specifically, the original series from the mid-1960s. This post was updated on 2 March 2024

Before we dive into the Star Trek connection, let’s first understand what an Android actually is. In simple terms, an Android refers to a robot or synthetic organism that resembles a human being in appearance and behavior. These humanoid robots are often depicted in science fiction as having advanced artificial intelligence capabilities.

Android and the Star Trek Connection

In the original Star Trek series, which aired in the 1960s, there was an episode titled “What are little girls made of?”
This was the first time that the term “Android” was used in a TV show. The episode was about Captain Kirk and Nurse Chapel beaming down to a planet to find out what happened to Dr. Roger Korby, who had been missing for five years.

In this episode, the crew of the starship Enterprise encounters an advanced civilization that has developed androids to assist them in various tasks. These androids are designed to be indistinguishable from humans and possess highly sophisticated capabilities.

During the episode, the term “android” is used to describe these humanoid robots. This marked one of the earliest uses of the term in popular culture and helped popularize it among science fiction enthusiasts.

Logo of the original Star Trek Series

Logo of the original Star Trek Series Image: wikipedia

Origin of the Term “Android”

The term “android” itself has its roots in Greek mythology. It is derived from the Greek words “andr-” meaning man or male, and “-eides” meaning resembling or having the form of. So, an android can be understood as something that resembles a man or has a human-like form. It was first used in the 19th century to describe a human-like robot. Over time, this term became widely adopted within both scientific and fictional contexts to refer to humanoid robots with human-like characteristics.

Androids have been a popular theme in literature and science fiction. Some other well known examples include Isaac Asimov’s “I, Robot,” Philip K. Dick’s “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” and the movie “Blade Runner.”

From Science Fiction to Reality

Interestingly, what was once purely a concept in science fiction has now become a reality. In today’s world, we have seen significant advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence technologies, bringing us closer than ever to creating real-life androids.

From humanoid robots like Sophia developed by Hanson Robotics to advanced robotic prosthetics that mimic human movement, we continue to push boundaries when it comes to creating machines that resemble humans.

AI Image- Commander Star Trek. Blog of Amar Vyas

AI generated image of a character from Star Trek.

More Star Trek: Lt. Commander Data (The Next Generation)

The creators of Star Trek were well aware of this etymology when they named their Android character Data. By using this term for their humanoid robot, they not only paid homage to its historical meaning but also added depth and significance to Data’s journey as he sought to become more human.


The term “Android” has its roots in ancient Greek language and mythology, but it was the popular television series Star Trek that brought it into the mainstream. Through the character of Lieutenant Commander Data, audiences were introduced to the concept of humanoid robots with advanced artificial intelligence capabilities.

andsoir and the Star Trek Connection. Blog post by Amar Vyas

This post titled “Android and the Star Trek Connection” is published under the series on posts on AI technology. Some images in this blog post have been generated using AI imaging tools.

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