The Bandwidth Alliance, led by Cloudflare, is an innovative consortium of cloud and networking companies dedicated to minimizing data transfer costs. It is very easy to use Bandwidth Alliance to reduce costs. Cloudflare has partnered with various cloud storage providers like Backblaze and Scaleway, both members of the Alliance, making data transfer between them either free or significantly reduced.


The Bandwidth Alliance serves as a consortium of innovative cloud and networking companies, dedicated to lessening or even eliminating data transfer (also known as bandwidth) costs for their mutual customers. Led by Cloudflare, the Alliance strives to assist customers in reducing their bandwidth expenses and provide a smoother experience when transferring data from a cloud service to end-users.

हिंदी में सारांश

बैंडविड्थ एलायंस, जिसे क्लाउडफ्लेयर ने संचालित किया है, एक अभिनव संघ है जो क्लाउड और नेटवर्किंग कंपनियों को समर्पित है डेटा ट्रांसफर लागत को कम करने के लिए। क्लाउडफ्लेयर ने विभिन्न क्लाउड संग्रहण प्रदाताओं जैसे कि बैकब्लेज़ और स्केलवे के साथ साझेदारी की है, जो एलायंस के सदस्य हैं, जिससे उनके बीच डेटा ट्रांसफर या तो मुफ्त हो गया है या महत्वपूर्ण रूप से कम हो गया है।

एलायंस ग्राहकों को बैकब्लेज़ B2 या स्केलवे ऑब्जेक्ट स्टोरेज बकेट सेट अप करने, क्लाउडफ्लेयर में संबंधित बकेट को संकेत करने वाला CNAME रिकॉर्ड जोड़ने, और उनकी वेबसाइटों को क्लाउडफ्लेयर-संरचित डोमेन से सामग्री सेवा करने के लिए अनुकूलित करने की अनुमति देता है। हालांकि, इन प्रदाताओं से क्लाउडफ्लेयर के लिए डेटा ट्रांसफर मुफ्त है, संग्रहण या API अनुरोधों से संबंधित अतिरिक्त लागतें हो सकती हैं।

How to use the Bandwidth Alliance to Reduce Costs

Cloudflare has forged alliances with a variety of cloud storage providers, notably Backblaze and Scaleway, which are constituents of the Bandwidth Alliance. This relationship signifies that the data transfer between these services and Cloudflare is either free or significantly discounted.

Examples: BackBlaze B2 and Scaleway S3 COmpatible Service

With Backblaze and Cloudflare

  1. Create a Backblaze B2 bucket, then upload your content.
  2. Create a Cloudflare account and integrate a CNAME record for a domain or a subdomain, linked to your B2 bucket.
  3. Serve images and videos from the domain (or subdomain)configured in Cloudflare.

With Scaleway and Cloudflare

  1. Create a Scaleway Object Storage bucket and upload your content.
  2. Set up a Cloudflare account and add a CNAME record linked to your Scaleway bucket.
  3. Adjust your website to deliver images and videos from the domain set in Cloudflare.

In either case, when a user solicits content from your site, the request is directed to Cloudflare, which retrieves the content from Backblaze or Scaleway. This collaboration significantly reduces or even eradicates data transfer costs.

It’s important to note that while data transfer from Backblaze or Scaleway to Cloudflare is free, storage or API request costs may still apply.

Read my blog post on S3 Compatible Storage Providers by visiting here

Some Members of the Bandwidth Alliance

Partners of Bandwidth Alliance. Learn how to use Bandwidth Alliance to Reduce Costs. Blog of Amar Vyas

Partners of Bandwidth Alliance.

The Bandwidth Alliance, led by Cloudflare, is composed of several leading cloud providers committed to reducing data transfer costs. The alliance includes companies such as:

  1. Automattic: The company behind, WooCommerce, and Jetpack.

  2. DreamHost: A web hosting provider and domain name registrar.

  3. Microsoft Azure: Microsoft’s public cloud computing platform that provides a range of cloud services. Read the How To Guide for integrating Azure with Cloudflare

  4. OVHcloud: A global cloud provider that specializes in delivering cloud computing resources.

  5. Cherry Servers: A dedicated server hosting company that provides professional hosting services to businesses worldwide.

  6. Other Cloud Providers – Alibaba Cloud, Google Cloud, Tencent Cloud.

Consider the BandWidth Alliance to reduce costs

The rewards for small businesses and startups joining the Bandwidth Alliance are multifold. Firstly, they present substantial savings in bandwidth costs – an invaluable resource for budding companies mindful of their bottom line. Secondly, the Alliance network provides high-performance hosting that can significantly enhance the responsiveness of a company’s website or application. Lastly, the network’s highly reliable design ensures constant availability, which is crucial for maintaining customer trust and satisfaction.

Summing it up

Using the Bandwidth Alliance to reduce costs is a great option for startups and large businesses alike. The Bandwidth alliance is a great initiative that reduces costs for content delivery to customers. By partnering with cloud providers across the globe, this alliance enables businesses to leverage the benefits of cloud infrastructure without incurring high network fees.  If you are looking to reduce your CDN expenses, leveraging the Bandwidth Alliance is a smart way to achieve this without compromising on the quality of service.

This post is first in a part of a series of posts on Content Delivery Networks. To read other posts in this series as it evolves, visit this link.

Categories: Notes Blog