Let us learn about HestiaCP Web Control Panel in this post.This blog post also outlines the differences between open source projects – HestiaCP and VestaCP in development, interface, security, and features.

इस ब्लॉग पोस्ट में ओपन सोर्स वेब होस्टिंग कंट्रोल पैनल्स HestiaCP और VestaCP की तुलना की गई है। इसमें उनके विकास, इंटरफेस, सुरक्षा, और फीचर्स में अंतर को उजागर किया गया है। यह लेख पाठक को वेब सर्वर को कुशलतापूर्वक प्रबंधित करने के लिए सूचित निर्णय लेने में मदद करता है।

What is HestiaCP ?

HestiaCP and VestaCP are both open-source web hosting control panels designed to manage and simplify the administration of web servers. HestiaCP is a fork of VestaCP, which means it was derived from the VestaCP codebase, but it offers some differences and improvements. HestiaCP is designed to be lightweight and easy to use, making it a good choice for small businesses and personal websites. MyVestaCP is another fork of the original VestaCP project.

HestiaCP offers a wide range of features such as website and email management, database management, security settings, and more. It is a free and open-source software, making it accessible for all users. One of the main differences between HestiaCP and other control panels such as Vestacp and myvestacp is its focus on security. HestiaCP provides advanced security features such as automatic updates, secure login, and firewall protection to ensure the safety of your server and website.

Requirements for Installation of HestiaCP web control panel, Jan 2024.

Requirements for installing HestiaCP, January 2024

You can also watch the video on YouTube

Key differences between HestiaCP and VestaCP

  1. Development
    Hestia CP is actively developed and maintained by a separate community, while Vesta CP development may have been stagnant or less active.
  2. Improved Interface
    Hestia CP aims to provide a more user-friendly and modern interface compared to Vesta CP.
  3. Security Enhancements
    Hestia CP may have additional security enhancements and bug fixes compared to Vesta CP.

Login screen for VestaCP. Blog of Amar Vyas

Features and Limitations of HestiaCP Web Control Panel

Both panels typically offer functionalities such as domain management, email server setup, FTP, database management, DNS configuration, and more.

Regarding limitations, both panels may have their own set of limitations depending on their version and the server environment. It’s best to review their respective documentation or community forums to understand specific limitations and workarounds.

Note: MyVestaCP is another fork of VestaCP, but its development is less active compared to HestiaCP web control panel.

Installation of HestiaCP on A VPS with Debian

$ hst-install.sh –interactive no –email [email protected] –password MyPassWord –hostname myhost.tld-f –apache yes –mysql yes –clamav yes –spamassassin no


Below is explanation of the installation script and what its flags mean.

1. hst-install.sh: This is the shell command that executes the installation script (`hst-install.sh`) for HestiaCP. “bash” is the shell that you’re using to run the script.

2. –interactive no : This flag sets the interactive mode to “no,” which means the script will not prompt you for any input during the installation process. This is useful for automated installations.

3. –email [email protected]: This flag specifies the email address that will be used for administrative contact. Replace `[email protected]` with your actual email.

4. –password MyPassWord : This flag sets the password for the administrator account. Replace `MyPassWord` with the actual password you want to set.

5. –hostname myhost.tld : This flag sets the hostname for the server. Replace `myhost.tld` with your domain name or IP address.

6. -f : This flag forces the installation to proceed without asking for confirmation. Be cautious when using this flag.

7. –apache yes : This flag indicates that you want to install the Apache web server. If set to “yes,” Apache will be installed.

8. –mysql yes : This flag indicates that MySQL will be installed on the server. If set to “yes,” MySQL will be installed.

9. –clamav yes : This flag installs ClamAV, an open-source antivirus engine. If set to “yes,” ClamAV will be installed.

10. –spamassassin no : This flag controls the installation of SpamAssassin, a mail filter to identify spam. Setting it to “no” means that SpamAssassin will not be installed.

Note: Make sure to validate the options and replace placeholders like `[email protected]`, `MyPassWord`, and `myhost.tld` with your actual information before running the script.

Installing Dotclear CMS using VestaCP.


Choosing a web hosting control panel is a critical decision that impacts how efficiently you manage your server. We’ve explored HestiaCP and VestaCP, looking at their development, user interfaces, security features, and other functionalities. If you’re looking for a control panel that is lightweight, user-friendly, and backed by an active community, HestiaCP web control panel emerges as a strong contender. Remember that the best choice ultimately depends on your unique requirements and preferences.


Hestia CP Official Website

Hestia CP Community Forum

HestiaCP Script  Generator

I have written reviews of other server management panels including Virtfusion, Yunohost, TinyCP, as well as thoughts on acquisition of Cloudways. You can check the collection page on  this topic in the future for any updates.

Categories: Notes Blog