This comprehensive guide explores the benefits and challenges of running WordPress on Lighttpd server.  While WordPress is typically run on web servers such as Apache or Nginx or Litespeed, it is also possible to run WordPress on a lightweight server. Lighttpd is one such server. Lighttpd (Pronounced Lighty) is a lightweight web server software that is designed to handle high traffic websites with low resource usage. This means that WordPress websites running on a Lighttpd server can experience improved performance and faster page load times compared to those running on other web servers.

Benefits of Running WordPress on Lighttpd Server

Low Memory and Processor Usage

Lighttpd is known for its low memory and CPU usage, making it an ideal choice for running WordPress on a Linux VPS with limited resources. This can result in cost savings for website owners who want to keep their hosting expenses low.

Better scalability

Lighttpd is highly scalable, allowing website owners to easily handle increased traffic and server load. This makes it a great choice for websites that are expected to grow rapidly in the future.

Potentially Better security

Lighttpd is an open-source software that is known for its robust security features. It offers built-in protection against common web attacks such as DDoS, SQL injection, and cross-site scripting (XSS). Running WordPress on a Lighttpd server can provide an additional layer of security for your website.

Cost savings

As mentioned earlier, running WordPress on a Lighttpd server can result in cost savings due to its low resource usage. Additionally, Lighttpd is a free and open-source software, which means that website owners can save money on licensing fees. Logo of Lighttpd Server (Source: Wikipedia)

Challenges of Running WordPress on  Lighttpd Server

Limited community support

Compared to other web servers such as Apache and Nginx, Lighttpd has a smaller community of users and developers. This can make it more difficult to find support and resources for troubleshooting issues.

Limited plugin compatibility

Some WordPress plugins may not be compatible with Lighttpd, which can limit the functionality of your website. It is important to research plugin compatibility before running WordPress on a Lighttpd server.

Steep learning curve

Lighttpd has a steeper learning curve compared to other web servers, which can make it more difficult for beginners to set up and configure. However, there are many resources available online to help with the process.

Complexity with Configuration

Configuring Lighttpd for WordPress can be more complex compared to other web servers. Website owners may need to edit the virtual host configuration file and close file descriptors manually to ensure optimal performance.

How to Install WordPress on Lighttpd Server

In this section of this blog post, we will guide you through the process of installing lighttpd server on a small VPS.

1. Connect to your VPS via ssh

To begin the process of hosting a WordPress website on a lighttpd server, you will need to connect to your VPS (Virtual Private Server) via SSH (Secure Shell). This will allow you to remotely access the server and execute commands.

2. Update the system

Once you have connected to your VPS, it is essential to update the system to ensure that you have the latest software and security updates. You can do this by running the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

3. Install Lighttpd Server

Lighttpd is an open-source web server that is known for its speed and low resource usage. To install Lighttpd on your VPS, use the following command:

sudo apt install lighttpd

4. Configure the server

After installing Lighttpd, you will need to configure it to serve your WordPress website. This involves setting up the necessary configuration files and making any required adjustments to the server settings. 5. Install PHP and MySQL WordPress is built using PHP and requires a database to store its content. You can install PHP and MySQL on your VPS using the following commands:

sudo apt install php mysql-server

5. Install Database and WordPress

Once PHP and MySQL are installed, you can proceed to download and install WordPress on your VPS. This can be done by downloading the latest version of WordPress from the official website and extracting it into the document root of your Lighttpd server.

6. Configure Lighttpd for WordPress

To ensure that Lighttpd can serve WordPress correctly, you will need to make some configuration changes. This may involve setting up rewrite rules, configuring PHP handling, and adjusting server settings to accommodate WordPress requirements.

7. Finish Installing WordPress via Web

With the server and database set up, you can now install WordPress via the web interface. Simply access your VPS’s IP address or domain name in a web browser, and you will be guided through the WordPress installation process.

8. Connect Domain, customize as per requirements

Finally, once WordPress is installed, you can connect your domain to the VPS and customize the website as per your requirements. This may involve setting up DNS records, configuring SSL certificates, and installing any necessary plugins or themes. By following these steps, you can successfully host a WordPress website on a lighttpd server running on a small VPS. This setup provides an affordable web hosting service for those looking to run a WordPress site on a lightweight and efficient web server.

Other content management systems on Lighttpd Server

Other than WordPress, some of the content management systems that can be run on Lighttpd Server include Joomla, Drupal, Contao, and TYPO3. All of these CMSs are open source and highly customizable, allowing for user-friendly content creation and management. Additionally, they are all supported by Lighttpd Server, meaning that they can be installed and used without any compatibility issues. Lighttpd Server is a lightweight, open-source web server that is well-suited for small to medium-sized websites. It is designed to be fast, secure, and efficient, and is particularly well-suited for serving static content, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. As such, it is very well-suited for running flat file content management systems, as it can quickly and efficiently serve the static content. Lighttpd Server also offers a number of features that make it a great choice for running content management systems, such as URL rewriting, virtual hosting, and SSL support. WordPress on Lighttpd server. Blog by Amar Vyas

Parting Thoughts: Install and Configure WordPress on Lighttpd Server

Lighttpd server can provide many benefits, including improved performance, lower resource usage, better scalability, improved security, and cost savings. However, there are also challenges to consider, such as limited community support, limited plugin compatibility, a steep learning curve, and configuration complexity. With the right knowledge and resources, this setup can be a great choice for websites that require high performance and low resource usage. Running WordPress on a Lighttpd server requires several steps, including installing Lighttpd and PHP, configuring Lighttpd for WordPress, installing and configuring MySQL, and installing WordPress. Here is a brief overview of the process:

  1. Install Lighttpd and PHP on your Linux VPS.
  2. Configure Lighttpd for WordPress by editing the virtual host configuration file.
  3. Install and configure MySQL for your WordPress database.
  4. Install WordPress using the Lighttpd web server.
  5. Troubleshoot common issues such as 404 errors and slow page load times.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the server specifications required for Lighttpd Server?

CPU: Lighttpd is not resource-intensive, and it can run on a wide range of CPUs. Even a single-core processor can handle a Lighttpd server for low to moderate traffic websites. RAM: For a basic installation, you can expect Lighttpd to run smoothly with as little as 128MB of RAM. However, the more RAM you have available, the better it can handle concurrent connections and caching. Disk Size: The disk size required for Lighttpd itself is minimal. The actual disk space you need will depend on your website content and database size. PHP Version: Lighttpd itself does not include PHP support out of the box. If you want to run PHP applications, you’ll need to use a PHP FastCGI server such as PHP-FPM. The PHP version compatibility will depend on the specific version of PHP you install, which can vary based on your application’s requirements. PHP 8.x were the latest stable versions, and either of these would be recommended for most modern applications. Operating System: Lighttpd is platform-independent and can run on various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. However, it is more commonly used on Linux-based systems

 Is Lighttpd server suitable for hosting high traffic websites?

Lighttpd is a lightweight web server that can be suitable for hosting high-traffic websites. It is designed to be fast, secure, and efficient, and its low memory footprint makes it suitable for hosting sites with a large number of concurrent users. Lighttpd is also highly configurable and can be optimized for specific needs. Additionally, Lighttpd has a wide range of modules and plugins to extend its functionality. In conclusion, Lighttpd can be a suitable choice for hosting high-traffic websites.

What types of websites are commonly deployed on a Lighttpd server?

Lighttpd is a popular web server that is often used to deploy websites that require a high level of performance and security. It is commonly used to deploy websites that require a high level of scalability, including e-commerce websites, social networking sites, and media streaming services. Additionally, Lighttpd is often used to deploy websites that require a high level of customization, such as content management systems and web applications. Lighttpd is also used to deploy websites that are designed to handle a large number of concurrent requests, such as those that are used for online gaming and live streaming services.

Resources and tutorials

  1. Official Lighttpd Website and Documentation:
  2. Lighttpd Wiki: The official Lighttpd wiki provides a wealth of information, configuration examples, and tips and tricks. Link:
  3. Lighttpd YouTube Tutorials: There are several YouTube channels that offer tutorials on Lighttpd. Make sure to search for updated content, as newer tutorials may become available after my last update. You can try searching for “Lighttpd tutorial” or “Lighttpd configuration tutorial” on YouTube.
  4. DigitalOcean Tutorials: DigitalOcean has several tutorials on Lighttpd that cover various aspects of web server setup and configuration.
  5. Nginx vs. Apache vs. Lighttpd Comparison: If you are interested in understanding how Lighttpd compares to other web servers like Apache and Nginx, this comparison article might be helpful.
  6. Lighttpd Forums: The Lighttpd community forums are a great place to ask questions, find answers, and learn from other users’ experiences. Link:
  7. LIghttpd on Wikipedia Wikiwand:

This post is the first post from a series of posts on Web Hosting.  Post was updated on 28 Feb 2024.

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