Over the past two weeks, I have been on a spree of multiple cancellations of VPS Hosting. I am looking to consolidate services, and I thought it made sense to reduce the number of active servers I had in my ‘portfolio’. Which made me wonder, what might be the possible reasons why people do multiple cancellations of VPS Hosting?

हिंदी में सारांश

मैंने अपने वेब होस्टिंग “साम्राज्य” को छोटा करने का निर्णय लिया है। मैंने कई सर्वर सेवाएं बंद कीं हैं और साल के अंत तक इसे आधा करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। VPS होस्टिंग को रद्द करने के कई कारण हो सकते हैं, जैसे सेवाओं का संघटन, अनावश्यक सब्सक्रिप्शन्स, मूल्य वृद्धि |

मराठीत सारांश

मी माझ्या वेब होस्टिंग ‘साम्राज्य’ लहान करण्याचा ठराव घेतला आहे. मी काही सर्व्हर सेवा बंद केल्या आहेत आणि वर्षाच्या शेवटी पर्यंत त्याचे आधी करण्याचा प्रयत्न करत आहे.


I have written a couple of posts about the web hosting “Empire” that I had built over the years, and the issues it was causing. In those posts, I had mentioned about limiting the number of active services going forward. In August 2023, as per the long term plan of limiting the number of VPS subscriptions, I decided to discontinue some more Server services. This included the following: -16 GB VPS in Mumbai by Advin Servers (beefy and cheap, but… did I really need it?) – 2 core / 6 GB VPS in Singapore by Greencloud VPS which formerly hosted my author site and gaathsatory.com websites. – an OVZ service I had since 2019 with Hostslick – Another “Beefy” KVM based VPS in Europe. I am looking to reduce my web hosting “empire” to half by end of this year, and these steps are an effort in that direction. Which made me wonder, what might be other reasons why folks decide for multiple cancellation of VPS hosting ? Multiple cancellations of VPS Hosting

Reasons for Multiple Cancellations of VPS Hosting

There could be several reasons why someone would choose to cancel their virtual private server (VPS) service. Here are some common reasons: 1. Consolidation of services: Some individuals may decide to consolidate multiple VPS services into one plan to reduce costs and simplify management. 2. Too many subscriptions: Having too many active subscriptions can lead to confusion and difficulty managing billing and usage. Canceling unnecessary subscriptions can help streamline operations and improve efficiency. 3. Price increase: A significant price hike may prompt users to explore more affordable options or downgrade their current plans. 4. Change in location: Moving to a new location may require different network infrastructure or bandwidth requirements, making it necessary to switch to a different VPS provider. 5. Reducing digital footprint: In recent years, there has been growing concern about online privacy and data protection. Individuals who prioritize these issues may opt out of using VPS services altogether or switch to alternative solutions with stronger security features. 6. Technical issues: Problems with the VPS service, such as performance issues, downtime, or compatibility problems, may cause frustration and lead to cancellation. 7. Alternative solutions: Depending on specific needs, users may find other solutions like cloud hosting, dedicated servers, or managed services more suitable for their workloads. 8. Budget constraints: Tightening financial conditions may force businesses or individuals to reassess their expenses and cut back on non-essential services, including VPS subscriptions.
Cancelling idling VPS in Netherlands. Blog of Amar Vyas about Multiple cancellations of VPS Hosting

Cancelling idling VPS in Netherland

Wrapping it up

Have you struggled to manage multiple VPS services? Have you cancelled multiple VPS services yourself? I would love to learn from your experiences and reasons. Please leave a comment below. Thanks.
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