How to navigate through multiple cloud storage and CDN Accounts? In this blog post, I will share my personal journey navigating the complex world of file management across multiple cloud storage and CDN accounts. As a user of various SaaS/storage solutions, I have experienced firsthand the challenges and rewards of this process.

The Need for Multiple Cloud Storage and CDN Accounts

Over time, I found myself signing up for multiple cloud storage and Content Delivery Networks or CDN accounts to meet my diverse needs. I have used services like Koofr, Zoho Workdrive, 3 cloud storage VPS’es, iCloud, OneDrive, Nextcloud, BunnyCDN, Publitio, Gumlet, and Content Studio.

Challenges Faced

Managing files across these platforms was not without its difficulties. I encountered challenges such as syncing issues, file duplication, and difficulty locating files across different platforms. Using different Cloud Storage and CDN (Content Delivery Network) accounts can indeed lead to challenges with File Management and version control. Here are some potential issues:

  1. Inconsistent File Organization: Each platform has its own way of organizing files. This can lead to confusion if you’re switching between platforms. For example, the way you organize files in Koofr might be different from how you do it in iCloud or OneDrive.

  2. Version Control Issues: If you’re working on a file across multiple platforms, it can be difficult to keep track of the most recent version. This can lead to confusion and potential loss of work. For example, you might edit a document in Zoho Workdrive, but then forget to update the version stored in Nextcloud.

  3. Access Control: Different platforms have different methods for controlling who has access to what files. If you’re not careful, you could accidentally give someone access to a file they shouldn’t see, or prevent someone from accessing a file they need.

  4. Integration Issues: Not all platforms play nicely with each other. You might find that a file you’ve stored in BunnyCDN doesn’t display correctly when you try to access it through Publitio, for example.

  5. Learning Curve: Each platform has its own interface and set of features. It can be time-consuming to learn how to use each one effectively.

  6. Cost: Maintaining accounts on multiple platforms can be expensive. You might find that you’re paying for storage space that you’re not using.

  7. Redundancy: If you’re storing the same files on multiple platforms, you’re using up storage space unnecessarily. This can also lead to confusion over which version of a file is the most recent.

  8. Dependency on Multiple Providers: If one of your providers experiences downtime or loses your data, it could disrupt your workflow. It also means you have to trust multiple companies with your data.

In the context of content creation sites like Storychief and Content Studio, these challenges can be amplified as these platforms not only store content but also have built-in workflows for content creation, collaboration, and publication. This can lead to further inconsistencies in content management and version control across platforms.

To mitigate these challenges, it’s important to have a clear strategy for how you use each platform. This might involve using certain platforms for specific types of files, or always making sure to update files across all platforms whenever you make a change. Using a cloud management tool can also help by providing a unified interface for accessing all your cloud storage accounts.

Datacenter providing multiple cloud storage and CDN accounts. Blog of Amar Vyas

Overcoming the Challenges

To overcome these challenges, I had to devise a system. I used tools and strategies such as file synchronization tools, regular audits, and strict file organization protocols.

Lessons Learned

This journey taught me valuable lessons about the importance of effective file management. These lessons will guide my future interactions with cloud storage and CDN services.

Way Forward

Moving forward, I plan to streamline my file management process further. This may involve changes in the multiple cloud storage and CDN accounts that I use. Consolidation of accounts is one option, cancelling duplicate or redundant services is another.

Sidenote: Cloud Storage versus CDN

It is important to understand that these two services serve different purposes. Cloud storage refers to the online storage of data, allowing users to access and store their files remotely. On the other hand, CDNs are a network of servers strategically placed across the globe to deliver content to users quickly and efficiently. While some cloud storage providers may offer CDN capabilities, they are not the same thing. For example, pCloud also offers bandwidth for sharing of files. Similarly, Publitio offers upto 100 GB Storage and monthly 500 GB of CDN traffic.

Similarly, a CDN can provide storage for extra fee (e.g. BunnyCDN), but it is not its primary function. It is essential for content creators and readers to understand the difference between these two services to effectively utilize them for their specific needs. This will help them from signing up with multiple cloud storage and CDN accounts.

Multiple Cloud Storage and CDN Accounts - August 2023. Blog of Amar Vyas

Multiple Cloud Storage – Accounts – August 2023.


In conclusion, managing files across multiple cloud storage and CDN accounts can be challenging but not insurmountable. With the right tools and strategies, it is possible to navigate this maze effectively.

Relevant Links

  1. Koofr
  2. Zoho Workdrive
  3. iCloud
  4. OneDrive
  5. Nextcloud
  6. BunnyCDN
  7. Publitio
  8. Gumlet
  9. Content Studio
Categories: Notes Blog