My journey with NAT VPS began in mid 2019. As I started hanging around the LowEndTalk forums in May and June 2019 , I kept coming across a word quite often: NAT. I saw that they were very low priced, and specifications were modest (which is no longer the case today as you will learn later). But the users on LET were ga ga over this type of service.
मेरी इस नट (Network Address Translation) टाइप वर्चुअल प्राइवेट सर्वरों (VPS) के अनुभव की वर्ष 2019 से 2023 तक की कहानी के साथ-साथ, मैंने नए उपयोग के बारे में भी उल्लेख किया है।

What is NAT VPS?

NAT VPS stands for Network Address Translation Virtual Private Server. It’s a type of hosting service where multiple users share a single public IP address, with each user assigned a unique port number. This setup allows for cost-effective hosting solutions, making it an attractive option for personal projects, small-scale web scraping, and learning web technologies.

My First Steps with NAT VPS

As I read up on the NAT technology, I thought of giving this type of service a try. Gullo’s was and remains one of the most popular providers in the Low end hosting world. I signed up for their 128 MB plan in Germany, priced at US dollars 2 per year. The instructions on setting up the service were rather complex, but once I read them a second time, three things became evident. a. Setting up your NAT server is not rocket science. You need to follow some basic steps. Most providers send the configuration details in the welcome email. b. You need to know how to use ssh using a terminal. Ideally, with an ipv6 service. Though that is not mandatory. c. In order to access a website hosted on a NAT, you will need to use a service like Cloudflare.

Typical uses of NAT VPS

NAT VPS can be utilized for a variety of purposes, each serving a unique function. Here are some of the common uses:
  • Hosting Websites: Ideal for testing and hosting small to medium-sized websites.
  • VPN Endpoints: Setting up a secure VPN connection for personal or small business use.
  • Secure Storage: Offering a cost-effective solution for backup or storage services.
-Hosting a website I used the NAT VPS for testing and hosting websites. At one point in time, 4 different NATS (2 each from Inception hosting and Gullo’s) were hosting a website. Each was a subdomain (e.g., and each NAT had apache2, PHP and Flextype CMS -Using as a VPN with Wireguard. Time permitting, I aim to try out the much popular and talked about user Nyr from LowEndSpirit, whose wireguard script is very highly regarded. I may try this later this year. -Proxy server or firewall -SSH to other services I use a VPN to connect to most websites. My favourite being VPN Unlimited. I use their server located in Bengaluru, which is hosted on Digital Ocean. But that ip has been blocked by some providers like ExtraVM and Gullo’s. In order to access services, I ssh into my MrVM Singapore NAT and connect to Gullo’s Finland. (update December 2020: I have discontinued the MRVM service in Singapore. As on end 2023, MrVM had discontinued offering NAT VPS) -Storage: Many providers use NAT for offering backup or storage services at a low price. Wishosting has such storage plans. Nexusbytes for example, offers NAT for backup if you subscribe to their VPS plans. -For commercial or carrier grade providers, uses include routing and load balancing. You can find a more detailed explanation of applications here.


Setting up a NAT VPS is straightforward once you understand the basics. Most providers offer detailed instructions in their welcome emails, including how to use SSH and configure services like Cloudflare for web access.

A list of providers that offer NAT

  1. WebHorizon: WebHorizon has launched a new NAT-focused brand called, offering services in the Asia Pacific region, Europe, and the US.
  2. NanoKVM: NanoKVM offers a free NAT KVM VPS with a set of ports instead of a dedicated IPv4 address.
  3. EvolutionHost: EvolutionHost offers NAT VPS systems for free, but they are looking for sites with substantial traffic that can provide backlinks.
  4. KhanWebHost PVT LTD: KhanWebHost offers NAT VPS services with affordable hosting plans.
  5. MrVM (Acquired, late 2023)
  6. Inception Hosting (will no longer provide NAT services, late 2023)
  7. Gullo’s
  8. Wishosting
Are you on the lookout for an affordable web hosting solution that doesn’t compromise on quality? Have you ever wondered if there’s a way to host your website, VPN, or secure your data without breaking the bank? As a beginner web hosting enthusiast, I embarked on a journey to explore NAT VPS, a lesser-known yet powerful alternative to traditional VPS hosting. In this guide, I’ll share my experiences, insights, and the lessons I learned along the way.
A server rack in a datacenter. Blog post on My journey with NAT VPS

A server rack in a datacenter

NAT VPS service I subscribed

My exploration began with Gullo’s Hosting, where I signed up for their 128 MB plan. Despite initial setup challenges, I successfully hosted multiple websites and even experimented with using NAT VPS as a VPN endpoint. Each provider offered unique insights, but the journey wasn’t without its hurdles, such as occasional downtime and configuration complexities. Here’s a quick specifications of NAT VPS providers, services I subscribed to from 2019 to 2022.
Provider RAM Storage Price
MrVM 128MB 10GB $3/year
Inception Hosting 256MB 15GB $5/year
Gullo’s 128MB 3GB $2/year

Websites tested by me on NAT

The common question that is asked about hosting websites on NAT is, “Can I run WordPress on it?” On a 256 MB RAM server it might be possible, but I would not recommend it. In addition to RAM, disk space is a limitation.

Many other PHP based (or Python) Content Management Systems (CMS) can however be run. Maybe not the CMS that require a database server like MySQL ones, but definitely the lightweight ones. Below are some of the CMS’es used by me on different VPS’es -Flatpress –Flextype (Inception Hosting, UK and Netherlands) – Worked well for lightweight, database-free websites. –Sitemagic (MrVM Singapore) –Grav : Another excellent choice for static sites without the need for a database. –Typemill Brizy Cloud (Gullo’s Finland) -WordPress (Webinoly and WordOps- not recommended for RAM below 256 MB)
Image for NAT VPS blog post on My Journey with NAT VPS

Representational Image for NAT VPS BOX

Web Servers used

Many folks recommend using Nginx on a NAT with low RAM instead of Apache. But during my testing, Apache worked well even on 128 megabytes of RAM. The documentation for Apache and Nginx is available readily, and configuration was a breeze. Sites like Stackexchange and Websiteforstudents are good resources. One or two NATs were tested on Lighttpd server. But testing Lighttpd comes at a cost, namely, time (opportunity) cost of learning about a third type of server cannot be justified. So also for LiteSpeed server or Caddy.If one knows where to look, there are enough resources on the Internet to help even a non-techie newbie like me to set up and use a NAT.

Pros and Cons fo NAT VPS

Pros of NAT VPS

  1. Cost-Effective: NAT VPS is generally cheaper than other types of VPS. This makes it a good choice for small projects or personal use.
  2. Resource Sharing: NAT VPS allows multiple users to share the same public IP address, which can be beneficial in situations where public IP addresses are limited or expensive.
  3. Low Maintenance: With NAT VPS, the service provider handles most of the maintenance and management tasks, which can be a plus for users who prefer a hands-off approach.
  4. Good for Learning: Because of its low cost and simplicity, NAT VPS can be a good platform for learning about server management and web hosting.
  5. Environmentally Friendly: By sharing resources, NAT VPS can be a more environmentally friendly choice compared to other VPS types that may require more hardware resources.

Cons of NAT VPS

  1. Limited Control: With NAT VPS, you don’t have the same level of control over your server environment as you would with other types of VPS.
  2. Potential for Overcrowding: Because multiple users share the same public IP address, there’s a risk of overcrowding, which can lead to slower performance.
  3. Less Flexibility: NAT VPS may not support all the applications or configurations that other types of VPS do.
  4. Security Concerns: Sharing an IP address with other users can potentially expose your server to security risks if other users on the same IP engage in malicious activities.
  5. Complex Setup: Setting up a NAT VPS to work with certain services (like email servers or certain types of web hosting) can be more complex compared to other VPS types.

    Use cases of NAT

    Setting up your NAT VPS involves some basic steps, which most providers send in the welcome email. You need to know how to use ssh using a terminal, ideally with an ipv6 service.

    Typical use cases of NAT VPS

    Hosting Websites: NAT VPS can be used to host websites, often using subdomains and different Content Management Systems (CMS). VPN Endpoints: NAT VPS can be set up as a VPN endpoint using software like Wireguard, providing a secure and private connection. Secure Storage: Providers often use NAT VPS to offer backup or storage services at a low cost. Personal Projects and Development Environments: NAT VPS can be used for personal projects and setting up development environments, providing a cost-effective way to experiment with web technologies. Small-scale Web Scraping or Data Collection: NAT VPS can be used for small-scale web scraping or data collection projects, thanks to its low cost and flexibility.

    Conclusion: Ongoing Journey with NAT VPS

    NAT VPS offers a budget-friendly alternative for web hosting, making it an excellent choice for beginners and those with small-scale hosting needs. By understanding its uses, configurations, and weighing the pros and cons, you can leverage NAT VPS to your advantage.


    How to set up a PHP based website using A NAT VPS

    PHP is a popular programming language used for creating dynamic and interactive websites. In this blog post, we will discuss the step by step method of setting up a PHP based website using a NAT VPS, with an example of the Flatpress CMS. Step 1: Choose a NAT VPS provider The first step in setting up a PHP based website using a NAT VPS is to choose a reliable provider. A NAT VPS, also known as a Network Address Translation Virtual Private Server, is a type of virtual server that allows multiple users to share a single IP address. This can be a cost-effective option for hosting a website, as it allows for a higher level of security and control compared to shared hosting. Step 2: Set up the VPS Once you have chosen a NAT VPS provider, the next step is to set up the VPS. This involves selecting the operating system, configuring the server settings, and installing necessary software. For this example, we will be using a Linux-based VPS with Apache web server, PHP, and MySQL installed. Step 3: Download and install Flatpress CMS After setting up the VPS, the next step is to download and install the Flatpress CMS. Flatpress is a lightweight and easy to use CMS that is written in PHP. It does not require a database, making it a suitable choice for a NAT VPS. You can download the latest version of Flatpress from their official website. Step 4: Upload Flatpress files to the server Once you have downloaded Flatpress, you will need to upload the files to your server using an FTP client. You can create a new folder for your website and upload the Flatpress files to it. Make sure to set the correct permissions for the files and folders. Step 5: Configure Flatpress After uploading the files and creating the database, you will need to configure Flatpress. This involves setting up the database connection, choosing a theme, and customizing the settings.

    Connect a NAT VPS using Cloudflare

    Cloudflare is a content delivery network (CDN) and DNS provider that helps to improve website performance, security, and availability. It acts as a proxy between the website visitors and the origin server, caching content and protecting against DDoS attacks. Now, let’s see how we can connect NAT VPS to Cloudflare to make your website accessible over the internet. Step 1: Sign up for Cloudflare The first step is to sign up for Cloudflare. You can do this by visiting their website and creating an account. Once you have created an account, you will be asked to add your website to Cloudflare. Step 2: Add your website to Cloudflare To add your website to Cloudflare, you will need to enter your website’s domain name and click on the “Add Site” button. Cloudflare will then scan your DNS records and import them to their platform. Step 3: Change your DNS nameservers After adding your website to Cloudflare, you will need to change your DNS nameservers to Cloudflare’s nameservers. This is a crucial step as it allows Cloudflare to manage your website’s traffic. Step 4: Configure Cloudflare settings Once your DNS nameservers have been changed, you can now configure Cloudflare settings. This includes enabling SSL, setting up caching, and configuring security settings to protect your website from threats. Step 5: Configure NAT VPS Now, you need to configure your NAT VPS to work with Cloudflare. This involves setting up a reverse proxy on your VPS, which will redirect all traffic to Cloudflare.


    a. Page on NAT on Wikipedia b. List of NAT Providers on Serverhunter c. What are NATs and how they work – discussion on LowEndTalk dHow to Install OpenVPN on a server- Quadhost service has been discountinued as on Sept 2021. e. Page on NAT by google f. Old Lowendspirit Forum – g. Discussions around NAT on Stackexchange


    1. What is NAT VPS? NAT VPS is a cost-effective hosting solution where multiple users share a single public IP address, each with a unique port number.
    2. Can I host a website on NAT VPS? Yes, you can host websites on NAT VPS, especially lightweight or static sites that don’t require a lot of resources.
    3. Is NAT VPS suitable for beginners? Yes, with some basic knowledge of networking and server management, NAT VPS can be a great learning tool for beginners.
    4. How do I choose a NAT VPS provider? Consider factors like RAM, storage, price, and support when choosing a NAT VPS provider.

    This post ” My journey with NAT VPS ” is a part of the series of Benchmarks and reviews I have done for multiple providers and Virtual Private Servers.You can review the entire list by clicking here. This post was rewritten and substantially updated in February 2024.
    Categories: Notes Blog