In this post, we will explore the Pastebin and alternatives to this most popular and widely used platform for sharing code snippets, writing notes, or log files. It’s lightweight, fast, and easy to use – perfect for quickly sharing snippets of code or text online with others. However, if you do need extra security features, then there are plenty of alternative services out there.In this blog post, we will follow the history of text and code sharing, compare it with Note sharing sites, and explore some of the alternatives to Pastebin.


Keeping your data secure and private is paramount, especially when it comes to sensitive information like code or documentation that could fall into the wrong hands.One way to ensure the privacy of your data is by self-hosting a text sharing service on an internal server. This will keep your data safe from external threats, and can help you track usage of the service better. Another option is to use an open source alternative to Pastebin and alternatives such as Gist or Gitlab. These services are usually free and offer similar features, but allow for greater control over your data. Read on to learn more about this category of online services.

Background: Text and Code Sharing

Remember the times when we had to share some pieces of text? I am talking about protracted pieces of code or a prolonged piece of text? For example, the draft of this blog post. Most common options include Email, Online Office Editors, email (body of the email and attachments). But there is one more alternative that most people outside of technology enthusiasts and programmers community may not be aware of: Pastebins and alternatives.

History of pastebin services. Blog by Amar Vyas on Pastebin and Alternatives.

History of pastebin services.

The Rise of Pastebin

In the late 1990s, there was an era when internet relay chat (IRC) users would share logs or configurations for their games or their computer systems. They called these sites pastebins. This way, the could share text and code without flooding the main chat discussion. For those unfamiliar with IRC, I am leaving a link to the Wikipedia page.

This page succinctly explains what a fantastic communication tool IRC is. Although its golden days are past, it still serves a purpose or two among gamers, tech enthusiasts, and the likes. Pastebin as a category is about thirty years old.The paste-bin that most people associate with is called, the name most commonly associated with this category, was launched in 2002. The site became well known among users, because it allowed users to share text, parts of code, with others. Pastebin also gained acceptance and popularity among developers and tech enthusiasts. Its simple interface offered an easy solution to share pieces of code or long text data.

Pastebin Interface is clean and offers many options as on July 2023. Blog of Amar Vyas

Pastebin Interface is clean and offers many options as on July 2023

Simplicity is Pastebin’s strength. Users can copy and paste their text data into the browser, create a unique URL for sharing, all without needing an account.Pastebin even auto-detects syntax for different programming languages, enhancing readability for those with a programming background. This makes it easier for experienced eyes to read and understand the code.The generated link can be sent via email, messaging, Internet Forums, or other methods of communication.

Image for Pastebin and Alternatives. Blog of Amar Vyas

Computer screen with a blank display

Why Alternatives to Pastebin Emerged

As Pastebin’s popularity soared, the demand for alternatives also grew. In the initial years, the absence of encryption on Pastebin raised privacy and security concerns. This lack of customization led users to seek alternatives that offered rich text support, password protection, expiration dates, and more control within their network systems. For small organizations or tech groups, self-hosting was an appealing option.

As with any successful service, once Pastebin became popular, it was only a matter of time before alternatives emerged. Many of these services were created for specific reasons. One was privacy and security. Pastebin does not allow encryption, by default. For those concerned about digital privacy and security, encrypted or private accounts to share data were preferable. The second reason was the ability to customize. As the user base grew, different users had different needs. Some wanted support for rich text, others wanted password protection, while some others sought the ability to set expiration dates.

Many organizations or groups of technology enthusiasts wanted a solution that was more controllable within their network systems. They wanted to host the service on their servers. Some believed that open source alternatives allowed for better trust, control over how the software was developed, and added features.

Android Apps for Pastebin on google Playstore. Blog of Amar Vyas

Android Apps for Pastebin on google Playstore.

Understanding Pastebin and Alternatives, and their Features

In the next section, we will explore how Pastebin-like services differ from other note-sharing platforms. Finally, we will delve into various alternatives to Pastebin, discussing their unique offerings. This examination will showcase the diversity and adaptability in the realm of online text sharing.

Exploring Text Hosting Websites

While comparing Pastebin and its alternatives, we will discuss features such as functionality, user interface, and security. We will also discuss which options are most suitable for beginners, and intermediate users. Additionally, we will evaluate the privacy and security measures offered by some of the services.

Many alternatives to pastebin are open source. github page of dpaste shown in the above image. Blog of Amar vyas

github page of dpaste, one of the pastebin alternatives.

  1. Ghostbin: A pastebin service with a simple, clean interface, it supports various languages, document expiration, and also provides optional password protection for pastes. Website

  2. PrivateBin: PrivateBin is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data.Data is encrypted and decrypted in the browser using 256bit AES. Website

  3. Hastebin: An open-source pastebin software written in Node.js. It is designed to be minimal and user-friendly, while also being extendable for developers. Note: Hastebin is now by Toptal.

  4. Gist by GitHub: GitHub’s Gist service allows you to save and share snippets of code, with features like version control, access to a wider community, and the ability to fork and revise code. In many ways, it is not a pure play pastebin service. Website

  5. Dogbin: It’s a pastebin alternative which is free and fast, and supports a wide range of programming languages for syntax highlighting. Website

  6. Paste Open source alternative for Pastebin, available to be installed through  Softaculous.Website

  7. This is a pastebin service that is designed for simplicity and ease of use. It is not open source, but it is available as a self-installed application.

  8. Other public sites. Many organizations and individuals have created publicly usable Hastebin installations. These add to the growing list to open source pastebin and alternatives.Below is an example from advin servers:
    Similarly, privatebin has many public instances, which can be found at

    Comparison of features- Pastebin and Alternatives. Blog of Amar vyas

    Features of Pastebin and Alternatives, summarised by google Bard.

Way forward for Text Sharing Sites like Pastebin

We have discussed several aspects of Pastebin and its alternatives, including their evolution, features, comparison with other services. Before we wrap up, I wanted to delve into a couple of other matters. The first is the API offered by these services. the second is use of AI tools and Pastebin like services.

Using application programming interfaces (APIs), users can integrate these platforms with other applications and automate their workflows. This allows for increased productivity and efficiency in content creation, management, and distribution.

Artificial intelligence tools are progressively employed for the generation of intricate text forms such as code. One can envisage a future in which AI-generated code can be effortlessly integrated with Pastebin and other similar services. This would streamline the sharing process of such content. The potential impact of such an evolution on code sharing would be far-reaching, removing obstructions and spurring on greater cooperation and innovation.

During one of my recent conversations with YouBot, the bot actually provided me with a link to Imgur, where an image it had supposedly generated, was posted. Imgur promptly deleted the image, but it shows the potential of AI tools with text sharing sites.

An appreciation for Pastebin and Alternatives

The Pastebin example shows how a simple tool can inspire a wide array of alternatives, each tailored to specific user needs. By offering encryption, account settings, expiration dates, and language support, these alternatives have enriched the digital text-sharing space.

While some of its alternatives listed in the next section are derivatives of forks, it will be wrong to call them “clones”. In fact, if you run a search on google for “What are some Pastebin clones“, you might find only a few names, but if you look for “Pastebin alternatives,” you may find many more examples. Encryption,expiration date, language support, commenting, version control could be some of the factors for using alternatives to pastebin.

(Note: the above link leads to a search on DuckDuckgo, which shows very similar results)

An old Computer, generated using AI. Blog of Amar Vyas

Alternatives to Pastebin-like Services

Below section is a slight deviation from our main topic. However, I thought it was a good place to discuss how text sharing sites, note taking applications, and online markdown editors are different.

Comparing Pastebin to Note Sharing Services

When I was drafting this post, many questions came to my mind. One of them was,how a service like Pastebin differs from online note-sharing services? I am referring to services like Simple Note, Nimbus Notes, Evernote, OneNote, and Google Keep. On that note (pun intended) you may want to check out my blog post on the following topics:

Online note-taking apps
What are web based markdown editors ?
A Small List of open-source productivity tools

They offer insight into different ways of sharing content online and may provide suitable alternatives if Pastebin isn’t your preference.Some of them may find a place in your toolkit.

Distinctiveness of Text-Sharing Sites

Text-sharing services like Pastebin focus on efficiently sharing large pieces of text or code. They are an invaluable tool for those wanting to share logs, warnings, or conflicts arising from software use or development. These services offer a unique link for sharing, code highlighting, and a clean interface. Some, like Pastebin, even provide encryption options for better privacy.

Features of Note-Sharing Services

On the other hand, note-sharing services such as Simple Note, Nimbus Note, Evernote, OneNote, and Google Keep, offer a broader feature set. Their appeal lies in the ability to organize and share a range of content types, from notes and documents to multimedia. You can tag, create folders, and sync data across multiple devices, regardless of the operating system. Enhanced search features, reminders, and to-do lists offer functionalities that text-sharing services might lack.

Exploring Online Markdown Editors

Let us consider online markdown editors like Dillinger, Stackedit, and HedgeDoc. These services operate through a web browser, offering the same cross-platform accessibility. Markdown, a lightweight markup language, is flexible and can be converted to various formats including HTML and Word documents. If you need an easy-to-use tool for creating media-rich content, markdown editors are a good option. Features include live previews, exporting to various file types, integration with services like Dropbox, Google Drive, and GitHub, and the ability to customize the interface.

Summary and Segmentation

In summary, text-sharing services like Pastebin cater more to a technically adept audience, such as programmers and gamers. Note-sharing services offer broader functionalities, catering to internal teams, students, and general consumers. Online markdown editors provide a middle ground, targeting those who need control over the formatting of a well-structured document for sharing or publishing. In the next part, we’ll delve deeper into Pastebin and its alternatives.

A retro Style Computer with AI generated Art. Blog of Amar Vyas

A retro Style Computer showing different pastebins

  1. Original Source code for Pastebin script:
  2. Yunohost has a few other options as Pastebin alternatives :

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What Is Pastebin and its most common use?

Pastebin is a popular online platform that allows users to store and share text online. Users can paste their text into the website, create a unique URL or link for it, and then share that URL with others. Pastebin is commonly used for sharing code snippets, configuration files, logs, and other types of text-based information.

  1. Why did Pastebin Became Popular?

One of the main reasons for its popularity is its simplicity and ease of use. Pastebin allows users to quickly paste and share text without the need to create an account or go through a lengthy registration process. This makes it convenient for users who want to quickly share snippets of code, text, or draft of documents.

  1. Why did alternatives to Pastebin Emerge?

Alternatives to Pastebin have emerged for various reasons. One of the main reasons alternatives to Pastebin have emerged is the issue of privacy and security. Pastebin has faced criticism for not adequately protecting user data.

One concern with using online any text sharing platform is the potential for sensitive information to be exposed or accessed by unauthorized users.

  1. What are the best Pastebin alternatives?
    Notesbin, ghostbin and several other alternatives are mentioned in this blog post. If you are looking for other applications such as online markdown editors and Note sharing sites, this post mentions some useful alternatives as well.

This post is a part of series of posts on Content Management Systems. To read other posts in this series, visit here.

Extra: You can read an “alternative ending” to this post by visiting this link.

A Retro Style Computer. AI generated image by Amar Vyas

All images in this post were generated using LeonardoAI and other generative AI imaging tools. This post was updated and expanded on 25 Feb 2024.

Categories: Notes Blog