How to Install WordPress using Caddy Webserver

Caddy server provides a modern, fast and secure way to host WordPress websites. In this post, we will learn how to install WordPress using Caddy Webserver This 4-part guide will walk through installing Caddy, setting up WordPress, and advanced configuration best practices. Learn about Caddy webserver and its key features, the benefits of using Caddy as a web server,how Caddy compares to alternatives like Nginx or Apache.Finally, learn how to install and configure WordPress on this server.


How to use Speedtest for testing Network speed

In this post, we will discuss how to use speedtest for testing network speed for a Linux server. Slow network speed can lead to a decrease in productivity and can even result in system downtime. That’s why it is essential to regularly test your network speed to identify any potential issues and take necessary actions to improve it. One of the most efficient ways to test your network speed is by using a command-line speedtest script on your Linux server. This post was substantially  updated in March 2024 (more…)