Is a computer upgrade Worth the Investment?

When is a computer upgrade worth the investment? I will try and answer this question using the price of electricity. Welcome to the world of technology, where the allure of the latest computer hardware is hard to resist. Promises of enhanced performance and reduced power consumption make upgrading seem like the obvious choice. But, let’s pause and consider the cost implications before we jump on the upgrade bandwagon.


What are Zone Identifier Files, How to Deal With Them ?

Have you ever wonder what are Zone Identifier files (identified as zone.identifier)? I came across them in the Windows Subsystem for Linux over the past few months. These files can be seen as an overhead, an irritant, or a cause for concern. I first encountered these files when I started using WSL (Ubuntu) on Windows 10. Upon exploring further, it dawned that these files are created when data is synced across different computers and cloud storage, especially for users transitioning from Linux or Mac to Windows. While they can be annoying, there are ways to manage them, such as deleting them or setting up a cron job. Understanding and managing these files is part of the journey for long-time Linux and Mac users returning to the Windows world.


Can a New User Access Old WhatsApp Messages with the Same Phone Number?

When you change your phone number linked to WhatsApp, can a new user access old WhatsApp messages? WhatsApp has become an integral part of our daily communication, and data privacy is a growing concern for many users. One common question that arises is whether a new user can access old messages if they start using a phone number previously associated with another WhatsApp account. In this blog post, we will explore the factors that may affect access to old messages and discuss the potential implications of such a scenario.


Notable Forks of Slackware Linux, Oldest Surviving Linux Distro

In this post, we will take a look at some notable forks of Slackware Linux. Recently, I published a post that honoured Slackware Linux, one of the oldest surviving Linux distributions. While Slackware is appreciated by advanced Linux users for its simplicity, stability and adherence to UNIX philosophies, it is often considered as a “Hard to master” distribution for beginners. Possible reasons include its minimalist approach, less out-of-the-box functionality, and limited automated tools compared to modern Linux distributions.


A quick review of Lubuntu 24.04 Alpha Noble Numbat

In this blog post, we do a quick and short review of Lubuntu 24.04 Alpha. The 24.04 release of Ubuntu is code named Noble Numbat. In this, we delve into the firsthand experience of installing Lubuntu 24.04 Alpha on a modestly equipped laptop. This exploration is not just about the technical process but also a personal journey with the Ubuntu family, particularly Lubuntu, and its lightweight capabilities.
