Where to find high quality Free WordPress Themes for your blog

Let us explore resources to find high quality free WordPress themes on this Day Ten of my blogging challenge. Today’s theme is Technology Thursday. We delve into the realm of Technology Thursday. In this post, I’ll guide you on discovering high-quality free WordPress themes. Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or just starting, finding the right theme is crucial for your website’s aesthetics and functionality. Let’s explore the resources and considerations for choosing the best themes. (more…)

Karnataka Road Trip December 2021

Welcome to this mini travelogue and photo tour of our recent road trip.

We (Mrunal and I) covered several places in Karnataka between Dec 26th and 30th, 2021. It was a road trip that took a form of its own once we hit the road- figuratively speaking. The origin and the destination were known, and we had some idea about the places to visit in and around Gokarna (based on our previous 2018 road trip and recent recommendations from a few folks). But along the way, we added an extra day and a couple of destinations to our trip. More on that later.


Alternatives to CentOs8 – After The Disruptive Storm

Are you looking for alternatives to CentOs8? If yes, then you have come to the right place. Sort of. Welcome to the seventh day of my blogging challenge for February 2022. For today’s post I thought of bringing some variation. I will embed the audio of a blog post written by me last week. This post was written as a guest post for an Internet community that is focused on web hosting.
This post is titled “Alternatives to CentOs- After The Storm”, and the theme of this post is as follows:

In December 2020, Red Hat Linux, who had been acquired by IBM, announced that they will discontinue development for CentOs operating system, which is used by a wide variety of users, system administrators and web hosts. 14 months after the announcement, how have the users and the market adopted? Which of the alternatives have found user and market acceptance?

The Four Operating System Household – 2022 Edition

We live in a four operating system household. Having multiple devices with different operating systems and Apps waste time, consume un-necessary bandwidth, and are overall bad for productivity (and the environment).

A few years ago, I had written a post on this blog with a very similar title. My premise back then was that with more and more devices coming into every household, the number of operating systems one has to deal with is only going to keep increasing.

Business Travel : The Rule of Three for Productivity

Welcome to this first post in my Daily Blogging Challenge for the month of February 2022. Today is Tuesday, and the theme for the day is called Travel Tuesdays. In this post, I am going to share my experience with business travel. I developed this habit in the pre-pandemic era. In the coming months things will go back to pre-COVID19 levels and business travel will become a part of life again. The below might become relevant to me again, and maybe even prove helpful to you!


Feature Image for blog post on Fifteen years using Linux and Open Source Software. Blog of Amar Vyas

Lookback – Fifteen Years using Linux and Open Source

January of 2017 marks my Fifteen years using Linux and Open Source Software. I had written this post originally around that era, but this post never got published. Learn how I got introduced to Linux, open source software, my early years with RPM based distributions, installation challenges, and what I have come to learn so far. The era in which this post was written might also explain to the reader why the names of some distributions and version numbers may appear different.This post was revised and updated in February 2024.


First impressions: Lenovo Thinkpad AMD Ryzen Laptop

I purchased a new laptop in early January 2022, after much deliberation it turned out to be a Ryzen Powered Lenovo Thinkpad E14. Read my first impressions and review of this Linux on Thinkpad. The AMD Ryzen R5 5600U is a snappy processor, and so far I am happy with it* In a way,this beings things back to a full circle: My first laptop back in 2001 was also a Thinkpad. Below are its specifications and benchmark results from the Gen 3 Ryzen powered Lenovo Thinkpad.
