This morning, I saw an ad for a Pentium III desktop on Quikr. Its specs took me back in time.. 256 MB RAM, Windows XP….and then a conversation on this topic (computers with WinXP) on LowEndSpirit really turned back the clock for me.

Rewind February 2001

My second computer ever and first laptop was an Pentium II IBM Thinkpad with 32 48 MB RAM and ran WinXP just okay. It had around 1.2 GB of disk space, which was rich for the era. Ironically I was trying to get AT&T ‘broadband’ (this was in early 2001) and the technician refused to configure saying system only had 16 MB and their specs called for 32 MB minimum.* A reinstall fixed the issue. The 32 MB stick somehow was not getting detected. Edit: had to look up my old, old Hotmail account (I had signed up for in 1998 ish. ) The laptop was purchased on eBay, had Win XP Whistler (I think that a was a codename/ release candidate?). Seller had upgraded from Win 98 and added a RAM stick. That might explain why the OS was detecting 16 MB only.
Ad for Pentium III desktop on Quikr.
  Update: In January 2022, purchased a new Lenovo Thinkpad e14 with Ryzen 5- 5600U Processor. Feature Image: IBM Thinkpad with Pentium II Processor. You can read about it here. Feature Image: Wikipedia.
This post was updated on 2022-02-18
Categories: Notes Blog