In this blog post, we will check some plugins compatible with ClassicPress. In case you weren’t aware, ClassicPress content management system forked from WordPress. This post is a “blast from the past”, i.e it was originally written in October 2020, but never saw the light of the day. I am publishing it as-is, albeit with minor modifications.


ClassicPress has emerged as a good choice for those looking for an alternative to WordPress. However, one of the biggest questions that ClassicPress users have is, “which plugins are compatible with this platform. Plugins are essential to any website, as they add new features and functionality that are not included in the core platform. While ClassicPress is built on the same codebase as WordPress 4.9, it has a few key differences that can affect plugin compatibility.

You can also read the companion post to this blog post, “WordPress Themes that are Compatible with ClassicPress (2020)

One of the key aspects of ClassicPress is its compatibility with Core 4.9 of WordPress,. In theory, that means compatibility with the themes and the various plugins, which support WordPress 4.9. This opens up a world of possibilities to enhance your website’s functionality. I will discuss the findings from my tests on plugins related to SEO, Image Compression, Cache, Backup, Gallery, Page Builders, Contact Forms, Security, and more.

Dashboard of ClassicPress, October 2020. Image used for Plugins compatible with ClassicPress
Dashboard of ClassicPress, October 2020

WordPress Plugins that are compatible with ClassicPress

During my tests in October 2020, I focused on evaluating plugins across several categories. Some of these were: SEO, Image Compression, Cache, Backup, CDN, Gallery, Page Builders, Contact Forms, Security, Sorting of Images, Maintenance. Discover the plugins that worked seamlessly with ClassicPress, empowering users to enhance their website’s functionality.

  • For SEO, RankMath emerged as a robust plugin, and worked quite well with ClassicPress.
  • For Image optimization, ShortPixel showcased promising results, offering efficient solutions for image compression.
  • For Content Delivery Networks (CDN), I examined plugins such as GumletBunnyCDNQuic, and ShortPixel Adaptive Images. These plugins seamlessly integrated with ClassicPress, providing users with reliable options to optimize content delivery and improve website performance.
  • For backups, UpdraftPlus proved to be compatible.
  • While evaluating Page Builders, I found Brizy to have partial compatibility, so did Contact Form plugins.

Some third party sites for content creation and optimization offer plugins that allow publishing content to WordPress. In this category, StoryChief and ContentStudio, showcased solid performance, enabling smooth interaction. For security, Fail2Ban provided an effective solution to protect websites against potential threats.

Some other plugins that worked seamlessly within the ClassicPress environment, are not included in the above list, because my focus was on categories that were relevant to my blogigng needs. I might add that WordPress Scheduled Posts worked seamlessly ,expanding the range of available features for website owners.


1.As on July 2023, the ClassicPress site has a wider list of plugins compatible with ClassicPress. Some plugins in the list are exclusively created for ClassicPress. Also check out their Community Forums for discussion on Plugins.

2. I recently came across this handwritten note that I had made when I was checking compatibility of WordPress Plugins that I use- with ClassicPress. to my pleasant surprise, majority of the plugins worked well : playht, Security Ninja, Inline Related Posts, Stencil, Security Ninja, Spreaker, WP Fastest Cache…this note is from December 2020, so I must say it’s quite impressive!

WordPress Plugins that work with ClassicPress. List compiled by Amar Vyas in December 2020.

WordPress Plugins compatible with ClassicPress. List by Amar Vyas

Conclusion : Plugins compatible with Classicpress

While ClassicPress has limitations in terms of adaptability and compatibility with themes and plugins, it can become a powerful platform for website owners seeking customization options. The range of plugins tested in this post provides users with a set of choices to enhance their website’s functionality. Whether it’s SEO optimization, image compression, caching, CDN integration, backups, page building, or security measures, ClassicPress plugins offer reliable solutions. Depending on your requirements, ClassicPress may form a viable alternative to your blog or website in case you are looking to move away from the WordPress ecosystem.

Links and References


Error while installing ClassicPress
Security Ninja plugin had some compatibility issues with ClassicPress, Image from January 2021.


This post is a part of a new series on Content Management System. Look forward to more posts in this series!
Categories: Notes Blog