How to Setup a WordPress site on Alpine Linux and Lighttpd server

Find a step-by-step process of installing WordPress site on Alpine Linux using the Lighttpd server. This post is a feeder or add-on post to my previously published blog post on How to install and configure WordPress site on a Lighttpd server. If the two posts are read in conjunction, it might benefit you the most. However, each post is adequate in its own form, hope you will find the below instructions useful.


Running Alpine Linux on VPS : A Basic Guide

This blog post offers a comprehensive guide to running Alpine Linux on VPS (Virtual Private Server). It covers the benefits, such as lightweight design and enhanced security features, and the challenges like limited package availability and a steep learning curve. The article also provides practical tips for optimizing performance and security settings, making it a valuable resource for both beginners and seasoned VPS users.


Banner Image for Linux on Macbook Pro. Blog of Amar Vyas

How Linux Revived 2012 Macbook Pro Retina

In this blog post, I discuss how Linux revived 2012 Macbook Pro Retina. This was a laptop that served as my workhorse for some years. My computer was the Late 2012, 13.3 inch model with 8 GB RAM. MacOs had stopped supporting this computer in terms of OS upgrades, and it was time to look for an alternative operating system. I consider Linux as a a viable alternative, alongwith the advantages of using Linux to extend the lifespan of aging computers. The post explores recommended Linux distributions for the late MacBook Pro 2012 Retina, along with their pros and cons.

How to set up an image CDN using Cloudflare R2

In today’s digital age, delivering content swiftly and efficiently is crucial for maintaining user engagement and satisfaction. Whether you’re running a website, a mobile app, or an online platform, the speed at which your images and videos load can make or break the user experience. This is where Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) come into play. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to set up an image and video CDN using Cloudflare R2, ensuring that your media files are served quickly and reliably to users around the world.

My Introduction to Low End Web Hosting World

In 2019, frustration with web hosting providers introduced me to Low end Web Hosting World. In particular, an Internet search led me to the sites LowEndBox and then LowEndTalk, and finally Low End Spirit.Through this post, I thought of summarizing my first steps in the Low End world. Suffice to say, even today I define myself as a tinkerer who often breaks systems than setting them up correctly. This post was updated in March 2024.


Introduction to Content Delivery Networks

The book Introduction to Content Delivery Networks provides an introduction to Content Delivery Networks, giving readers a comprehensive understanding of the technology and its applications. From the process of setting up and managing CDN to the various industries that use them, this book provides a thorough examination of the subject […]

An Easy Introduction to Virtfusion Server Control Panel

Discover VirtFusion server control panel, introduced by the former developer  of SolusOs. This blog post delves into its features, installation options, and user experiences. Learn about its versatile uses as a Control Server or Hypervisor. Get insights into the installation steps, SSL setup, command-line interface, and DNS configuration. Explore its user-friendly interface, quick setup, and intuitive menu, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and advanced users. VirtFusion’s focus on end-user convenience sets it apart in the realm of server panels, positioning it as a promising contender in the market.
