How to Monitor Health of Disk Drives in Linux

In order to ensure good health of the computer system, disk monitoring plays an important role. This practice enables the observation of disk usage patterns, thus facilitating the identification and prevention of potential failures. Within the Linux ecosystem, built-in and third-party options, can be used for efficient and effective disk monitoring. In this post, we will explore the smartmontools utility, and how it can ensure the continued good health of your disk.


My Journey with Raspberry Pi and Linux

This blog post lists my experience with Raspberry Pi and Linux for content creation. In particular, we focus on the Raspberry Pi 3B in 2016 and 17, and the Raspberry Pi 4 from 2019 to 2021. I discuss my fascination with Raspberry Pi and ARM-based single board computers, emphasizing their form factor, functionality, supportive communities, and number of options of operating systems that make them suitable for everyday use.

Banner Image for Linux on Macbook Pro. Blog of Amar Vyas

How Linux Revived 2012 Macbook Pro Retina

In this blog post, I discuss how Linux revived 2012 Macbook Pro Retina. This was a laptop that served as my workhorse for some years. My computer was the Late 2012, 13.3 inch model with 8 GB RAM. MacOs had stopped supporting this computer in terms of OS upgrades, and it was time to look for an alternative operating system. I consider Linux as a a viable alternative, alongwith the advantages of using Linux to extend the lifespan of aging computers. The post explores recommended Linux distributions for the late MacBook Pro 2012 Retina, along with their pros and cons.

Odyssey: Linux Distributions Tested – Part III

Join me on a journey through the world of Linux distributions as I share my experiences testing various distros in 2017. Discover the unique features and quirks of each distribution, from the well-known to the lesser-known. Stay tuned for insights and installation videos!

2017 में विभिन्न लिनक्स डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन का परीक्षण करने के अपने अनुभवों को साझा करते हुए लिनक्स डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन की दुनिया की यात्रा में मेरे साथ शामिल हों। प्रसिद्ध से लेकर कम ज्ञात तक, प्रत्येक वितरण की अनूठी विशेषताओं और विशेषताओं की खोज करें। अंतर्दृष्टि और स्थापना वीडियो के लिए बने रहें!


Odyssey: Linux Distributions Tested – Part II

This post is a second in a series of posts that showcases my journey through the world of Linux distributions. I’ve been sitting on many installation videos since 2017, and it’s time to put them to good use. Buckle up, and let’s dive into the world of Linux!

यह पोस्ट लिनक्स डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन्स की यात्रा है, जिसमें मैंने 2017 से लेकर अब तक के विभिन्न डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन्स के साथ अपने अनुभव साझा कर रहा हूँ. मैंने 2017 से लेकर अब तक के इंस्टॉलेशन वीडियोज को संभाल रखा है, और अब समय है कि इन्हें अच्छे उपयोग में लाया जाए |


My Linux Journey from Arch to ZorinOs

Join me on a journey through the diverse world of Linux distributions as I share my experiences testing various distros, from Arch-based to Ubuntu-based and beyond. Discover the unique features and strengths of each distribution, and find inspiration for your own Linux adventures.

लिनक्स डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन की विविध दुनिया की यात्रा में मेरे साथ शामिल हों क्योंकि मैं आर्च-आधारित से उबंटू-आधारित और उससे आगे विभिन्न डिस्ट्रो का परीक्षण करने के अपने अनुभवों को साझा करता हूं। प्रत्येक वितरण की अनूठी विशेषताओं और ताकत की खोज करें, और अपने स्वयं के लिनक्स साहसिक कार्यों के लिए प्रेरणा पाएं।

Odyssey: Linux Distributions Tested – Part I

Join me on a journey through the world of Linux distributions as I share my experiences testing various distributions from 2017 to 2023. Discover the unique features and quirks of each distribution, from the well-known to the obscure. Stay tuned for more insights and videos!

2017 से 2023 तक विभिन्न लिनक्स डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन का परीक्षण करने के अपने अनुभवों को साझा करते हुए लिनक्स डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन की दुनिया की यात्रा में मेरे साथ शामिल हों। प्रसिद्ध से लेकर अस्पष्ट तक, प्रत्येक वितरण की अनूठी विशेषताओं और विशेषताओं की खोज करें। अधिक अंतर्दृष्टि और वीडियो के लिए बने रहें!


Linux on Coconics Enabler Laptop – Passable machine with low specs

In May and June 2021, I consolidated the data and upgraded the old computers in the household. I also upgraded the computers during this process. This post covers the upgrade to the disk on the Coconics enabler laptop. And the performance checks I conducted using the hdparm command. This test is one of the useful tests to check disk speeds and performance. The following summarizes my testing from that period and some modifications I made. This post was updated and archived in March 2024.
