3 year Experience with Coconics Enabler Budget Laptop – a disappointment

My choice for laptop was the Coconics Enabler budget laptop when I embarked on my journey to support “Make in India” products. This was in March 2021, I was looking for a device  was budget-friendly yet deliverd efficient companion for my writing and creative consulting work. Three years down the line, my experience has been a roller-coaster of highs and lows, leading to some crucial learnings about purchasing budget laptops in India. I hope to shed some light on what you can expect from budget laptops like the Coconics Enabler and others in the sub-20,000 INR category.


Is a computer upgrade Worth the Investment?

When is a computer upgrade worth the investment? I will try and answer this question using the price of electricity. Welcome to the world of technology, where the allure of the latest computer hardware is hard to resist. Promises of enhanced performance and reduced power consumption make upgrading seem like the obvious choice. But, let’s pause and consider the cost implications before we jump on the upgrade bandwagon.


What are Zone Identifier Files, How to Deal With Them ?

Have you ever wonder what are Zone Identifier files (identified as zone.identifier)? I came across them in the Windows Subsystem for Linux over the past few months. These files can be seen as an overhead, an irritant, or a cause for concern. I first encountered these files when I started using WSL (Ubuntu) on Windows 10. Upon exploring further, it dawned that these files are created when data is synced across different computers and cloud storage, especially for users transitioning from Linux or Mac to Windows. While they can be annoying, there are ways to manage them, such as deleting them or setting up a cron job. Understanding and managing these files is part of the journey for long-time Linux and Mac users returning to the Windows world.


Different Audio formats and How to Smartly navigate them

As a podcaster, you may receive files in different audio formats. The files themselves could be sent via different platforms such as WhatsApp, which typically uses the OPUS format, or from Apple devices that often use formats like AIFF or ALAC. In addition to these, you might also encounter WAV and MP3 formats. Let us take a look at the typical audio file formats and their common uses.


A quick review of Lubuntu 24.04 Alpha Noble Numbat

In this blog post, we do a quick and short review of Lubuntu 24.04 Alpha. The 24.04 release of Ubuntu is code named Noble Numbat. In this, we delve into the firsthand experience of installing Lubuntu 24.04 Alpha on a modestly equipped laptop. This exploration is not just about the technical process but also a personal journey with the Ubuntu family, particularly Lubuntu, and its lightweight capabilities.


HestiaCP Web Control Panel : A Useful Open Source Server Panel

Let us learn about HestiaCP Web Control Panel in this post.This blog post also outlines the differences between open source projects – HestiaCP and VestaCP in development, interface, security, and features.

इस ब्लॉग पोस्ट में ओपन सोर्स वेब होस्टिंग कंट्रोल पैनल्स HestiaCP और VestaCP की तुलना की गई है। इसमें उनके विकास, इंटरफेस, सुरक्षा, और फीचर्स में अंतर को उजागर किया गया है। यह लेख पाठक को वेब सर्वर को कुशलतापूर्वक प्रबंधित करने के लिए सूचित निर्णय लेने में मदद करता है।


ZorinOS on MacBook Pro 2012 versus Ubuntu Mate

This blog post details my experience installing ZorinOS on MacBook Pro 2012 versus Ubuntu Mate, including some of challenges faced and how I overcame them. In the world of Linux distributions, ZorinOS stands out as a user-friendly and visually appealing operating system. It’s especially appealing to those transitioning from Windows or macOS, thanks to its familiar interface. Ubuntu Mate is a flavour of Ubuntu that I have come to like and admire.

How do the two compare in terms of ease of installation and configuration, maintenance, updates, and performance? Read below to learn more.


Installing WordPress Using Command Line Installers

This blog post discusses the various options for installing WordPress using command line installers. Specifically, we cover open-source command-line based tools like Webinoly, WordOps, and Slickstack over proprietary tools. We will explore their pros, cons, limitations, and ideal audience.The article serves as a guide for beginners to intermediate-level tech enthusiasts,who are looking to for an alternative way to install WordPress.


Upgrade SSD and Install Debian 12 on MacBook Pro 2012

Learn how to upgrade SSD and install Debian 12 on MacBook Pro (Retina, late 2012 laptop) in this blog post. It begins by listing the prerequisites, such as specific types of screwdrivers, a new M.2 SATA SSD, and a USB flash drive. The post then delves into detailed steps for both SSD replacement and Debian Linux installation. The post is part of a series focused on computer upgrades.
