I am not a trained artist or designer, which makes me a self-learnt creator. Most of my creations are a result of experimentation, tinkering around with graphic design apps, and learning from creators who have YouTube channels. Over the past two or three years while working on podcasts by gaathastory, I have used a variety of SaaS based graphic design tools including Canva, Crello, Stencil, Tyle. I have also extensively reviewed Designcap and Pixelied on request form these respective SaaS founders. On my blog, you can also find some works created using DesignCap, Pixelied, Crello and Pablo (by Buffer) and a few other graphic design apps.

Starting August 2022, I have generated several images using AI Imaging tools. Those have been included in my book “An Eye for AI: How to create amazing images using Artificial Intelligence techniques.”

मैं एक स्वयं-सिखाया डिजाइनर हूं और मेरी अधिकांश रचनाएं प्रयोग और ग्राफिक डिजाइन ऐप्स के साथ काम करने का परिणाम हैं। पिछले दो-तीन वर्षों में, मैंने Canva, Crello, Stencil, Tyle जैसे विभिन्न SaaS आधारित डिजाइन उपकरणों का उपयोग किया है। मैंने Designcap और Pixelied की भी समीक्षा की है। अगस्त 2022 से, मैंने AI इमेजिंग टूल्स का उपयोग करके कई छवियां बनाई हैं। नीचे मेरी कुछ रचनाएं दी गई हैं जिनसे मैं काफी खुश हूं।

मी एक स्वयं-शिकलेला डिझाइनर आहे आणि माझ्या बहुतेक कलाकृती प्रयोग आणि ग्राफिक डिझाइन अॅप्ससह काम करण्याचा परिणाम आहेत. मागील दोन-तीन वर्षांत, मी Canva, Crello, Stencil, Tyle सारख्या विविध SaaS-आधारित डिझाइन टूल्सचा वापर केला आहे. मी Designcap आणि Pixelied चेही पुनरावलोकन केले आहे. ऑगस्ट 2022 पासून, मी AI इमेजिंग टूल्सचा वापर करून अनेक प्रतिमा तयार केल्या आहेत. खाली माझ्या काही कलाकृती दिल्या आहेत ज्यांच्याबद्दल मी खूप आनंदी आहे.

Below are some of the creations that I am quite happy with. I may take up courses in designing at some point in time, till then, here is my “Portfoilio” (pun intended).

Designcap (2020). Feature image for Instagram
Stencil (2020). Instagram image
Crello (2021). Instagram Image
Stencil (2019). Instagram image
Images for Instagram and podcast cover art

How to travel with your pet.Feature Image for blog post by Amar Vyas
Created with Crello (2022). Feature Image for upcoming blog post

Stencil (2020). Inline image for blog post
Stencil (2020). Instagram Image
Tyle (2021). Inline Image for Blog post

Crello (2022). Feature Image for blogpost
Crello (2021). New episode Promotion
Stencil (2018 or 2019) Cover art for podcast episode

Crello (2022) Feature Image for blog post
Designcap (2020). Podcast website.

Tyle (2020). Inline image for blog post
Pixelied (2020). Feature Image for blog post

All images and videos created by Amar Vyas using the above mentioned tools for use on his writing site, at amarvyas.in, gaathastory.com or other sites of relevance.