Updates and modifications to this blog including theme, plugins, hosting and other changes. You will find the most recent updates below this line.

February 2023

Updated the plugins and themes, and added a couple of measures to improve the site speed and performance. Specifically, the CDN for images. In a short time, the speed and performance of this site should improve significantly. I have also changed the URL structure for blog posts to remove the ‘/category/’ from the path. Read more about the site changes and updates here.

July 2022

New theme and site layout: This site runs on the stock Twenty Twenty One Theme of WordPress, customized using Twentig Plugin. You can read about it here.

March 12,2022

Lol.. Law of un-intended consequences kicked in. Dark mode = tables not visible. Had to go back to regular “White” mode before I fix this issue.

March 9, 2022

Testing Neve Theme in Dark mode for this blog for a period of one week.Many of my blog posts are long, over 1,200 words. One way to make them more reader friendly is to add pagebreaks, another is dark mode, third is to collapse sections in “accordion” mode. I might try all of these approaches in a sequential manner. For the dark mode, I will check for impact on images, tables and plugins (if any) and of course user feedback.The reason for changing to dark mode- I was thinking about it for a while (atleast offer the option to users to switch modes). Today I visited Webinoly website to test out their new version. It is in dark mode now. That was my trigger.