In January and February 2022, I published 60 blog posts each of at least 800 words. During this period, I was able to add substantial amount of content to this blog. Below is the summary of my writing and the way forward.

Update June ’23 I am re-starting this challenge on 1 June 2023. August 2022 15th February ’23. You can follow my 2023 Daily Blog Challenge here.

Starting Mid-March 2022, a series of unfortunate events in the family prevented me from publishing new blog posts altogether. You know what they say about the best laid plans. I do have drafts over nearly 50 blog posts ready, which I will publish in June and July 2023 March and April after suitable updates and modifications. Better late than never.

Below goal I could not accomplish. Life happened. I leave it at that. Below post is retained for archival purposes.

Original post : Blog Challenge

For the two months (January and February) I exceeded my word count, even though I was not able to publish a blog post every single day. However, there are four posts are scheduled to be published. They were written in the previous weeks, but they all require some updates or minor tweaks.

What are the goals behind blogging challenges?

In this segment, let us take a look at the idea behind a blogging challenge and how it compares to last year. I had started this challenge last year to overcome my writer’s block.

All went well in January and February 2021. But then COVID-19 hit, and I was hospitalised for over a week. This severely hampered our podcasting business and I had to turn back my focus there. Writing in general and blogging in particular took a backseat. This year my goal was to start from where I had left off. But I wanted to take things a notch higher.

Completing a two month long blogging challenge

For February 2022, a theme was set for each day of the week, such as MyPod Mondays, Travel Tuesdays, and so on. You can read about the themes in this post. Seven days of the week, seven different topics to talk about. I also tried to introduce short videos and audio (not just the audio converted from text, but my own narration and AI generated audio!). In other words, the target was to publish 28 blog posts of 800 words each, which brings the total to around 22,400 words. By 28th February 2022, I had published 25 blog posts totaling 24,500 words.

This year, I intended to publish in multiple languages. However, I did not publish a single post in Marathi or Hindi.That was a big miss.

Adjustments to the total count

I will update this segment separately,once the remaining posts have been published. For now I can confidently say that with over 30 posts published, the word count comes to around 28,000 words. There is one post of about 2,100 words that is yet to be published. Till the time the post is published, it cannot be counted in the final tally. In any case, it comes to nearly 1,000 words published every day. That is not a bad number at all.

Way Forward

Update 1: 25 Blog posts, 25,000 words published in February 2022.

Update 2 : 30 new audio episodes totalling 3 hours of podcasts published in February 2022. On course to publishing 100 new episodes in 6 languages end -April. Check out gaathastory

There are three distinct goals that I am setting going forward. Number one, I would like to continue this challenge and extend it at least by two months, that is March and April 2022. Last three days, I was preparing the content calendar and simultaneously consolidating images across different servers.As I began sorting over 11,000 images into different categories or themes, in the process, I came up with less than 210 different topics!  Now that’s a lot of writing, yet to be done, considering that I have only published 30 posts. Practically speaking, 210 posts means

The below statement which I had originally published in March 2022, still stands valid.I can publish one new post per day over the next seven months before I run out of topics to write about.It is a crazy idea, probably doable, but that will be doing some injustice to this blog and the readers.

About This Post

This post was originally written and published as a part of #bloggingchallenge for February 2022. The title of this post was “Conclusion of February 2022 Blogging challenge and Way Forward”

In March and April 2022, my aim is to publish atleast 1 blog post of 1,000 words per day.

That is, my aim  is was to publish atleast 63,000 words between 1st March 2022 and 30th April 2022. Below you will find my “report” card- what I wrote about, and what was the word count for each month. You can also read my note on “How I use Word Counts for my blog posts” to understand how the Word Count tracker works.

This post was updated on 1 June 2023

Categories: Writing