An outline before starting to write, or doing research for the topics they are writing about. With regular practice, the challenge can help authors become more efficient in their work and reach their daily word count goals faster.

एक ब्लॉगिंग चुनौती आपकी लेखन उत्पादकता और फ़ोकस को बेहतर बनाने के साथ-साथ आपको काम पर प्रेरित और केंद्रित रखने में मदद करता है, साथ ही साथ आपके दैनिक शब्द गणना लक्ष्यों को भी बढ़ाता है। नियमित अभ्यास और समर्पण से आप बहुत कम समय में एक कुशल लेखक बन सकते हैं!

Participate in Daily Writing Habit. Blog of Amar Vyas
Participate in Daily Writing Habit

Annual Blogging Challenges

I first participated in a blogging challenge by Problogger in 2016. It was a seven day Blogging Challenge, and I learnt a log along the way. It even helped me better structure the interviews for MyKitaab podcast !

Since 2021, I have started Annual Blogging challenges that run for 50 or 60 day days. These daily blogging challenges are designed to keep up with the writing habit.

Read about my 2022 blogging challenge. Check out my Word Count Tracker form last year’s challenge. Also see the image gallery I created from some select images I used as feature images for the 2022 challenge.

Also Read:

What I Learnt from Publishing 90 Blogs in One Year

My February 2022 Daily Blog Challenge

7 themes. 28 Days. 30 Posts. Over 25, 000 words published.

Update: Learn about my 2023 Blogging Challenge here.

Do these Blogging Challenges really work?

Here is a sample update from 2022 edition:

Update 1: 25 Blog posts, 25,000 words published in February 2022. On course to publishing 100 posts/ 100,000 words by end -April. Check out this blog tracker.

Update 2 : 30 new audio episodes totaling 3 hours of podcasts published in February 2022. On course to publishing 100 new episodes in 6 languages end -April. Check out gaathastory

The blogging challenges do work, atleast for me. Most certainly when it comes to meeting the Word Count Goals. This year I might do a blogging challenge as a part of a group again. My solo writing exploits are great, but the community or engagement element is missing.

Categories: Writing