Kompu’s story is not just about an old, dusty computer hidden away in a cupboard; it’s a tale of how to reduce e-waste by upcycling. In the process, how people can help in spreading joy by giving a new purpose to old digital devices. Have you ever wondered about the potential of those outdated devices gathering dust in your home? Through the fascinating process of upcycling, these forgotten gadgets can be transformed into something incredible.

In the bustling city of Delhi, an old desktop computer named Kompu began its journey. Originally purchased by Parag for his father, a poet and writer, Kampu was meant to keep them connected when Parag left for the United States. Sadly, Parag’s father passed away in 2010, and Kompu, faithful for sefveral years, was forgotten in a dusty storage box.

Years later, Parag’s 12-year-old daughter, Veena, a curious girl with a passion for robotics, discovered the forgotten computer. Her eyes lit up with excitement as she imagined the possibilities. “Didi!” she called to her older sister, Bina. “Look what I’ve found! We could turn this into something amazing!” Veena’s parents were skeptical. “Beta, why bring this old thing into the house?” her mother asked. But Veena was determined. “Trust me, Maa. I have an idea!”

The sisters set out to modernize Kompu, facing a race against time as their summer break was ending soon. They needed to replace the aging hard drive with a solid-state drive and upgrade the RAM. With only a week left, they convinced their father to take them to Nehru Place, Delhi’s electronics hub.

As they navigated the crowded market, they encountered unexpected challenges. “Look, Didi!” Veena pointed at a shop displaying computer parts. But as they approached, a group of eager buyers swarmed the store, all vying for the latest components.

“We’ll never find what we need in time,” Bina grumbled, scrolling through her Instagram feed. Veena’s face set with determination. “We can’t give up now, Didi. Kompu is counting on us!” After hours of searching and haggling, they secured the necessary parts. The shop owner, impressed by Veena’s knowledge, even threw in a refurbished monitor at a discounted price.

Back home, the sisters worked tirelessly to bring Kompu back to life. Veena carefully cleaned each component, her robotic projects giving her steady hands. “It’s like performing heart surgery,” she mused as she delicately installed the new SSD.

Finally, Kampu whirred to life, its transformation nothing short of miraculous. The once sluggish machine now purred with efficiency, its screen glowing with possibility. “We did it!” Veena cheered, high-fiving her sister.

But their father’s question lingered: What would they do with Kompu now?

The answer came when Veena overheard a conversation at the local park. An elderly man lamented his inability to connect with his grandchildren abroad. “If only I knew how to use those video call things,” he sighed. Veena’s eyes sparkled with an idea. “Didi, I know where Kampu belongs!”

The sisters approached the director of a nearby old-age home with their proposal. Initially skeptical, the director was won over by Veena’s passionate pitch and agreed to give Kompu a trial run.

The day Kompu arrived at the old-age home, the atmosphere was electric. Mr. Sharma, a former school teacher, was the first to approach. With Veena’s guidance, he sent his first email to his grandson in America. As the video call connected and his grandson’s face appeared on the screen, tears of joy streamed down Mr. Sharma’s cheeks.

“Beta, it’s like magic!” he exclaimed, touching the screen in wonder.

Word spread quickly, and soon there was a queue of residents eager to explore this new world. Mrs. Gupta discovered the joy of online Sudoku, while Mr. Kapoor rekindled his passion for chess through online matches.

But Kompu had an even bigger surprise in store. While exploring the old hard drive, Mr. Sharma stumbled upon a folder filled with poems written by Veena’s late grandfather.

As Veena read her grandfather’s words aloud, the common room fell silent, captivated by the beauty of the verses. It was as if Kompu had bridged the gap between generations, bringing the poet’s voice back to life.

Inspired by this discovery, other residents began sharing their own stories. Veena and Bina set up a YouTube channel for the old-age home, featuring everything from cooking recipes to firsthand accounts of historical events. “We’re going viral!” Bina exclaimed one day, showing Veena the growing number of subscribers.

Kompu, once forgotten in a dusty box, had become the heart of the old-age home. Its presence sparked creativity, fostered connections, and brought joy to those who needed it most.

As Veena watched Mr. Sharma teach Mrs. Gupta how to use a painting app, she smiled. Kompu’s transformation was more than just a technical upgrade; it was a reminder that with a little care and imagination, anything could be given a new purpose.

In a world obsessed with the latest gadgets, Kompu stood as a testament to the power of upcycling and the magic of bridging generations through technology. And for Veena, it was just the beginning of her journey in using technology to make a difference in people’s lives.


Veena was able to reduce e-waste by upcycling Kompu the Computer. What can we lean form her story ?

This delightful little tale was written and narrated my me in Late 2023 when I participated in an e-waste recycling project in my neighborhood.