I had written this poem in April 2016, and had originally published it on Medium. I wrote it to bring cheer to an otherwise gloomy day, when nothing went right.

Every time I read this poem, I feel ready to fight another battle. The link to the poem on Medium is here

I’m an entrepreneur they say,

One of the thousands in this age and day.

They think its the riches that keep me in the fray,

But there’s hardly a day when things go my way.

Today began with a surprise,

Was it punishment, or was it a prize?

The Dog puketh, and the monkey poopeth,

The maid’s off today; my wife almost cries.

The pitch is bad; the investors are upset and I am sad,

But at home, things are just as bad.

There’s the recordings, and the editing is tiring,

Just then the UPS fries, and burns all the wiring.

Hire I must, but pay them I should,

They enjoy the sleep that I otherwise would.

The hole is burning, and there is no turning,

Many would turn back if they could.

But then it’s a path that I chose,

Against the advise of those near and close.

This is just the beginning, they say-

Need to keep going, because nobody has time for my woes.

The Entrepreneur's Ballad. Poem by Amar Vyas
Chalk poem detail Photo by elliot k, Source: Wikipedia

We’ve all had our highs and lows- some days are lowest of the lows.

-Amar Vyas

Categories: Poetry